abandon() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Tell the Loader that it is being abandoned.
abort() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
ViewDragHelper.cancel(), but also abort all motion in progress and snap to the end of any animation.
abortAnimation() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ScrollerCompat
Stops the animation.
AccessibilityDelegateCompat - Class in android.support.v4.view
Helper for accessing View.AccessibilityDelegate introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
AccessibilityDelegateCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat
Creates a new instance.
AccessibilityEventCompat - Class in android.support.v4.view.accessibility
Helper for accessing features in AccessibilityEvent introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
AccessibilityManagerCompat - Class in android.support.v4.view.accessibility
Helper for accessing features in AccessibilityManager introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
AccessibilityManagerCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerCompat
AccessibilityManagerCompat.AccessibilityStateChangeListenerCompat - Class in android.support.v4.view.accessibility
Listener for the accessibility state.
AccessibilityManagerCompat.AccessibilityStateChangeListenerCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerCompat.AccessibilityStateChangeListenerCompat
AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat - Class in android.support.v4.view.accessibility
Helper for accessing AccessibilityNodeInfo introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat(Object) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Creates a new instance wrapping an AccessibilityNodeInfo.
AccessibilityNodeProviderCompat - Class in android.support.v4.view.accessibility
Helper for accessing AccessibilityNodeProvider introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
AccessibilityNodeProviderCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeProviderCompat
Creates a new instance.
AccessibilityNodeProviderCompat(Object) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeProviderCompat
Creates a new instance wrapping an AccessibilityNodeProvider.
AccessibilityRecordCompat - Class in android.support.v4.view.accessibility
Helper for accessing AccessibilityRecord introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
AccessibilityRecordCompat(Object) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat - Class in android.support.v4.accessibilityservice
Helper for accessing features in AccessibilityService introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Action that gives accessibility focus to the node.
ACTION_ARGUMENT_HTML_ELEMENT_STRING - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Argument for which HTML element to get moving to the next/previous HTML element.
ACTION_ARGUMENT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_INT - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Argument for which movement granularity to be used when traversing the node text.
ACTION_CLEAR_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Action that clears accessibility focus of the node.
ACTION_CLEAR_FOCUS - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Action that unfocuses the node.
ACTION_CLEAR_SELECTION - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Action that unselects the node.
ACTION_CLICK - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Action that clicks on the node info.
ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.content.IntentCompat
Broadcast Action: Resources for a set of packages (which were previously unavailable) are currently available since the media on which they exist is available.
ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.content.IntentCompat
Broadcast Action: Resources for a set of packages are currently unavailable since the media on which they exist is unavailable.
ACTION_FOCUS - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Action that focuses the node.
ACTION_HOVER_ENTER - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.MotionEventCompat
Constant for MotionEventCompat.getActionMasked(android.view.MotionEvent): The pointer is not down but has entered the boundaries of a window or view.
ACTION_HOVER_EXIT - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.MotionEventCompat
Constant for MotionEventCompat.getActionMasked(android.view.MotionEvent): The pointer is not down but has exited the boundaries of a window or view.
ACTION_HOVER_MOVE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.MotionEventCompat
Synonym for MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_MOVE.
ACTION_LONG_CLICK - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Action that long clicks on the node.
ACTION_MASK - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.MotionEventCompat
Synonym for MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK.
ACTION_NEXT_AT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Action that requests to go to the next entity in this node's text at a given movement granularity.
ACTION_NEXT_HTML_ELEMENT - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Action to move to the next HTML element of a given type.
ACTION_POINTER_DOWN - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.MotionEventCompat
Synonym for MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN.
ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.MotionEventCompat
Synonym for MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK.
ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.MotionEventCompat
ACTION_POINTER_UP - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.MotionEventCompat
Synonym for MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP.
ACTION_PREVIOUS_AT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Action that requests to go to the previous entity in this node's text at a given movement granularity.
ACTION_PREVIOUS_HTML_ELEMENT - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Action to move to the previous HTML element of a given type.
ACTION_SCROLL - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.MotionEventCompat
Synonym for MotionEvent.ACTION_SCROLL.
ACTION_SCROLL_BACKWARD - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Action to scroll the node content backward.
ACTION_SCROLL_FORWARD - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Action to scroll the node content forward.
ACTION_SELECT - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Action that selects the node.
ActionBarDrawerToggle - Class in android.support.v4.app
This class provides a handy way to tie together the functionality of DrawerLayout and the framework ActionBar to implement the recommended design for navigation drawers.
ActionBarDrawerToggle(Activity, DrawerLayout, int, int, int) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.ActionBarDrawerToggle
Construct a new ActionBarDrawerToggle.
ActionBarSherlockDrawerToggleImpl - Class in android.support.v4.app
ActionBarSherlockDrawerToggleImpl() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.ActionBarSherlockDrawerToggleImpl
actionIntent - Variable in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Action
ActivityCompat - Class in android.support.v4.app
Helper for accessing features in Activity introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
ActivityCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.ActivityCompat
ActivityInfoCompat - Class in android.support.v4.content.pm
Helper for accessing features in ActivityInfo introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
ActivityOptionsCompat - Class in android.support.v4.app
Helper for accessing features in ActivityOptions introduced in API level 16 in a backwards compatible fashion.
ActivityOptionsCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.ActivityOptionsCompat
add(Fragment, String) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Calls FragmentTransaction.add(int, Fragment, String) with a 0 containerViewId.
add(int, Fragment) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Calls FragmentTransaction.add(int, Fragment, String) with a null tag.
add(int, Fragment, String) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Add a fragment to the activity state.
addAccessibilityStateChangeListener(AccessibilityManager, AccessibilityManagerCompat.AccessibilityStateChangeListenerCompat) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerCompat
Registers an AccessibilityManager.AccessibilityStateChangeListener for changes in the global accessibility state of the system.
addAction(int, CharSequence, PendingIntent) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Add an action to this notification.
addAction(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Adds an action that can be performed on the node.
addChild(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Adds a child.
addChild(View, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Adds a virtual child which is a descendant of the given root.
addEmailBcc(String) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Add an email address to be used in the "bcc" field of the final Intent.
addEmailBcc(String[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Add an array of email addresses to be used in the "bcc" field of the final Intent.
addEmailCc(String) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Add an email address to be used in the "cc" field of the final Intent.
addEmailCc(String[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Add an array of email addresses to be used in the "cc" field of the final Intent.
addEmailTo(String) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Add an email address to be used in the "to" field of the final Intent.
addEmailTo(String[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Add an array of email addresses to be used in the "to" field of the final Intent.
addFocusables(ArrayList<View>, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
We only want the current page that is being shown to be focusable.
addLine(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.InboxStyle
Append a line to the digest section of the Inbox notification.
addNextIntent(Intent) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder
Add a new Intent to the task stack.
addNextIntentWithParentStack(Intent) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder
Add a new Intent with the resolved chain of parents for the target activity to the task stack.
addOnBackStackChangedListener(FragmentManager.OnBackStackChangedListener) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Add a new listener for changes to the fragment back stack.
addParentStack(Activity) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder
Add the activity parent chain as specified by manifest <meta-data> elements to the task stack builder.
addParentStack(Class<?>) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder
Add the activity parent chain as specified by manifest <meta-data> elements to the task stack builder.
addParentStack(ComponentName) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder
Add the activity parent chain as specified by manifest <meta-data> elements to the task stack builder.
addStream(Uri) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Add a stream URI to the data that should be shared.
addTab(TabHost.TabSpec, Class<?>, Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTabHost
addToBackStack(String) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Add this transaction to the back stack.
addTouchables(ArrayList<View>) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
We only want the current page that is being shown to be touchable.
addView(View, int, ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
android.support.v4.accessibilityservice - package android.support.v4.accessibilityservice
Support android.accessibilityservice classes to assist with development of applications for android API level 4 or later.
android.support.v4.app - package android.support.v4.app
Support android.app classes to assist with development of applications for android API level 4 or later.
android.support.v4.content - package android.support.v4.content
Support android.content classes to assist with development of applications for android API level 4 or later.
android.support.v4.content.pm - package android.support.v4.content.pm
Support android.content.pm classes to assist with development of applications for android API level 4 or later.
android.support.v4.database - package android.support.v4.database
Support android.database classes to assist with development of applications for android API level 4 or later.
android.support.v4.net - package android.support.v4.net
android.support.v4.os - package android.support.v4.os
Support android.os classes to assist with development of applications for android API level 4 or later.
android.support.v4.util - package android.support.v4.util
Support android.util classes to assist with development of applications for android API level 4 or later.
android.support.v4.view - package android.support.v4.view
Support android.util classes to assist with development of applications for android API level 4 or later.
android.support.v4.view.accessibility - package android.support.v4.view.accessibility
Support classes to access some of the android.view.accessibility package features introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
android.support.v4.widget - package android.support.v4.widget
Support android.widget classes to assist with development of applications for android API level 4 or later.
append(long, E) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
Puts a key/value pair into the array, optimizing for the case where the key is greater than all existing keys in the array.
append(int, E) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat
Puts a key/value pair into the array, optimizing for the case where the key is greater than all existing keys in the array.
appendRecord(AccessibilityEvent, AccessibilityRecordCompat) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Appends an AccessibilityRecord to the end of event records.
appendSelectionArgs(String[], String[]) - Static method in class android.support.v4.database.DatabaseUtilsCompat
Appends one set of selection args to another.
apply(int, int, int, Rect, Rect, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.GravityCompat
Apply a gravity constant to an object and take care if layout direction is RTL or not.
apply(int, int, int, Rect, int, int, Rect, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.GravityCompat
Apply a gravity constant to an object.
applyDisplay(int, Rect, Rect, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.GravityCompat
Apply additional gravity behavior based on the overall "display" that an object exists in.
arrowScroll(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
AsyncTaskLoader<D> - Class in android.support.v4.content
Static library support version of the framework's AsyncTaskLoader.
AsyncTaskLoader(Context) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.content.AsyncTaskLoader
AtomicFile - Class in android.support.v4.util
Static library support version of the framework's AtomicFile, a helper class for performing atomic operations on a file by creating a backup file until a write has successfully completed.
AtomicFile(File) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.util.AtomicFile
Create a new AtomicFile for a file located at the given File path.
attach(Fragment) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Re-attach a fragment after it had previously been deatched from the UI with FragmentTransaction.detach(Fragment).
attachInfo(Context, ProviderInfo) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.FileProvider


beginFakeDrag() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Start a fake drag of the pager.
beginTransaction() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Start a series of edit operations on the Fragments associated with this FragmentManager.
bigLargeIcon(Bitmap) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle
Override the large icon when the big notification is shown.
bigPicture(Bitmap) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle
Provide the bitmap to be used as the payload for the BigPicture notification.
bigText(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle
Provide the longer text to be displayed in the big form of the template in place of the content text.
bindView(View, Context, Cursor) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
Bind an existing view to the data pointed to by cursor
bindView(View, Context, Cursor) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
Binds all of the field names passed into the "to" parameter of the constructor with their corresponding cursor columns as specified in the "from" parameter.
build() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Combine all of the options that have been set and return a new Notification object.
build() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Style
buildShortClassTag(Object, StringBuilder) - Static method in class android.support.v4.util.DebugUtils


cancel() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
The result of a call to this method is equivalent to ViewDragHelper.processTouchEvent(android.view.MotionEvent) receiving an ACTION_CANCEL event.
cancelLoad() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.AsyncTaskLoader
Attempt to cancel the current load task.
canScroll(View, boolean, int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Tests scrollability within child views of v given a delta of dx.
canScroll(View, boolean, int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
Tests scrollability within child views of v given a delta of dx.
canScroll(View, boolean, int, int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Tests scrollability within child views of v given a delta of dx.
canScrollHorizontally(View, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Check if this view can be scrolled horizontally in a certain direction.
canScrollVertically(View, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Check if this view can be scrolled vertically in a certain direction.
canSlide() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
Deprecated. Renamed to SlidingPaneLayout.isSlideable() - this method is going away soon!
captureChildView(View, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Capture a specific child view for dragging within the parent.
changeCursor(Cursor) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
Change the underlying cursor to a new cursor.
changeCursorAndColumns(Cursor, String[], int[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
Change the cursor and change the column-to-view mappings at the same time.
checkLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
checkLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
checkLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
checkTouchSlop(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Check if any pointer tracked in the current gesture has crossed the required slop threshold.
checkTouchSlop(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Check if the specified pointer tracked in the current gesture has crossed the required slop threshold.
clampViewPositionHorizontal(View, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper.Callback
Restrict the motion of the dragged child view along the horizontal axis.
clampViewPositionVertical(View, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper.Callback
Restrict the motion of the dragged child view along the vertical axis.
clear() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
Removes all key-value mappings from this LongSparseArray.
clear() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat
Removes all key-value mappings from this SparseArray.
clearThreadStatsTag() - Static method in class android.support.v4.net.TrafficStatsCompat
Clear active tag used when accounting Socket traffic originating from the current thread.
clearThreadStatsTag() - Static method in class android.support.v4.net.TrafficStatsCompatIcs
clone() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
close() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LogWriter
closeDrawer(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Close the specified drawer view by animating it into view.
closeDrawer(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Close the specified drawer by animating it out of view.
closeDrawers() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Close all currently open drawer views by animating them out of view.
closePane() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
Close the sliding pane if it is currently slideable.
commit() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Schedules a commit of this transaction.
commitAllowingStateLoss() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Like FragmentTransaction.commit() but allows the commit to be executed after an activity's state is saved.
computeScroll() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
computeScroll() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
computeScroll() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
computeScrollOffset() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ScrollerCompat
Call this when you want to know the new location.
concatenateWhere(String, String) - Static method in class android.support.v4.database.DatabaseUtilsCompat
Concatenates two SQL WHERE clauses, handling empty or null values.
CONFIG_UI_MODE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.content.pm.ActivityInfoCompat
Bit in ActivityInfo#configChanges that indicates that the activity can itself handle the ui mode.
configureMenuItem(MenuItem, ShareCompat.IntentBuilder) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat
Configure a MenuItem to act as a sharing action.
configureMenuItem(Menu, int, ShareCompat.IntentBuilder) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat
Configure a menu item to act as a sharing action.
ConnectivityManagerCompat - Class in android.support.v4.net
Helper for accessing features in ConnectivityManager introduced after API level 16 in a backwards compatible fashion.
ConnectivityManagerCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.net.ConnectivityManagerCompat
ContextCompat - Class in android.support.v4.content
Helper for accessing features in Context introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
ContextCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.content.ContextCompat
continueSettling(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Move the captured settling view by the appropriate amount for the current time.
convertToString(Cursor) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
Converts the cursor into a CharSequence.
convertToString(Cursor) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
Returns a CharSequence representation of the specified Cursor as defined by the current CursorToStringConverter.
convertToString(Cursor) - Method in interface android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter.CursorToStringConverter
Returns a CharSequence representing the specified Cursor.
create(Context) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder
Return a new TaskStackBuilder for launching a fresh task stack consisting of a series of activities.
create(K) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LruCache
Called after a cache miss to compute a value for the corresponding key.
create(Context) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.ScrollerCompat
create(Context, Interpolator) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.ScrollerCompat
create(ViewGroup, ViewDragHelper.Callback) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Factory method to create a new ViewDragHelper.
create(ViewGroup, float, ViewDragHelper.Callback) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Factory method to create a new ViewDragHelper.
createAccessibilityNodeInfo(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeProviderCompat
Returns an AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat representing a virtual view, i.e. a descendant of the host View, with the given virtualViewId or the host View itself if virtualViewId equals to View.NO_ID.
createChooserIntent() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Create an Intent that will launch the standard Android activity chooser, allowing the user to pick what activity/app on the system should handle the share.
createCount() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LruCache
Returns the number of times LruCache.create(Object) returned a value.
createFromParcel(Parcel, ClassLoader) - Method in interface android.support.v4.os.ParcelableCompatCreatorCallbacks
Create a new instance of the Parcelable class, instantiating it from the given Parcel whose data had previously been written by Parcelable.writeToParcel() and using the given ClassLoader.
CREATOR - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment.SavedState
CREATOR - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager.SavedState
CREATOR - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.SavedState
CursorAdapter - Class in android.support.v4.widget
Static library support version of the framework's CursorAdapter.
CursorAdapter(Context, Cursor) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
Deprecated. This option is discouraged, as it results in Cursor queries being performed on the application's UI thread and thus can cause poor responsiveness or even Application Not Responding errors. As an alternative, use LoaderManager with a CursorLoader.
CursorAdapter(Context, Cursor, boolean) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
Constructor that allows control over auto-requery.
CursorAdapter(Context, Cursor, int) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
Recommended constructor.
CursorLoader - Class in android.support.v4.content
Static library support version of the framework's CursorLoader.
CursorLoader(Context) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
Creates an empty unspecified CursorLoader.
CursorLoader(Context, Uri, String[], String, String[], String) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
Creates a fully-specified CursorLoader.


DatabaseUtilsCompat - Class in android.support.v4.database
Helper for accessing features in DatabaseUtils introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
dataToString(D) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
For debugging, converts an instance of the Loader's data class to a string that can be printed.
DebugUtils - Class in android.support.v4.util
Helper for accessing features in DebugUtils introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
DebugUtils() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.util.DebugUtils
delete(Uri, String, String[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.FileProvider
delete() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.AtomicFile
Delete the atomic file.
delete(long) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
Removes the mapping from the specified key, if there was any.
delete(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat
Removes the mapping from the specified key, if there was any.
deliverResult(Cursor) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
deliverResult(D) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Sends the result of the load to the registered listener.
deliverSelfNotifications() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader.ForceLoadContentObserver
describeContents() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment.SavedState
destroyItem(ViewGroup, int, Object) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentPagerAdapter
destroyItem(ViewGroup, int, Object) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentStatePagerAdapter
destroyItem(ViewGroup, int, Object) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Remove a page for the given position.
destroyItem(View, int, Object) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Deprecated. Use PagerAdapter.destroyItem(ViewGroup, int, Object)
destroyLoader(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager
Stops and removes the loader with the given ID.
detach(Fragment) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Detach the given fragment from the UI.
DialogFragment - Class in android.support.v4.app
Static library support version of the framework's DialogFragment.
DialogFragment() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
DIRECTION_ALL - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Indicates that a check should occur along all axes
DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Indicates that a check should occur along the horizontal axis
DIRECTION_VERTICAL - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Indicates that a check should occur along the vertical axis
disallowAddToBackStack() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Disallow calls to FragmentTransaction.addToBackStack(String).
dismiss() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
Dismiss the fragment and its dialog.
dismissAllowingStateLoss() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
Version of DialogFragment.dismiss() that uses FragmentTransaction.commitAllowingStateLoss().
dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat
Dispatches an AccessibilityEvent to the host View first and then to its children for adding their text content to the event.
dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
draw(Canvas) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
draw(Canvas) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.EdgeEffectCompat
Draw into the provided canvas.
draw(Canvas) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
drawableStateChanged() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
drawChild(Canvas, View, long) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
drawChild(Canvas, View, long) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
DrawerLayout - Class in android.support.v4.widget
DrawerLayout acts as a top-level container for window content that allows for interactive "drawer" views to be pulled out from the edge of the window.
DrawerLayout(Context) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
DrawerLayout(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
DrawerLayout(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
DrawerLayout.DrawerListener - Interface in android.support.v4.widget
Listener for monitoring events about drawers.
DrawerLayout.LayoutParams - Class in android.support.v4.widget
DrawerLayout.LayoutParams(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.LayoutParams
DrawerLayout.LayoutParams(int, int) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.LayoutParams
DrawerLayout.LayoutParams(int, int, int) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.LayoutParams
DrawerLayout.LayoutParams(DrawerLayout.LayoutParams) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.LayoutParams
DrawerLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.LayoutParams
DrawerLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.LayoutParams
DrawerLayout.SavedState - Class in android.support.v4.widget
State persisted across instances
DrawerLayout.SavedState(Parcel) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.SavedState
DrawerLayout.SavedState(Parcelable) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.SavedState
DrawerLayout.SimpleDrawerListener - Class in android.support.v4.widget
Stub/no-op implementations of all methods of DrawerLayout.DrawerListener.
DrawerLayout.SimpleDrawerListener() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.SimpleDrawerListener
dump(String, FileDescriptor, PrintWriter, String[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Print the Fragments's state into the given stream.
dump(String, FileDescriptor, PrintWriter, String[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Print the Activity's state into the given stream.
dump(String, FileDescriptor, PrintWriter, String[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Print the FragmentManager's state into the given stream.
dump(String, FileDescriptor, PrintWriter, String[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager
Print the LoaderManager's state into the given stream.
dump(String, FileDescriptor, PrintWriter, String[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.AsyncTaskLoader
dump(String, FileDescriptor, PrintWriter, String[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
dump(String, FileDescriptor, PrintWriter, String[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Print the Loader's state into the given stream.


EDGE_ALL - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Edge flag set indicating all edges should be affected.
EDGE_BOTTOM - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Edge flag indicating that the bottom edge should be affected.
EDGE_LEFT - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Edge flag indicating that the left edge should be affected.
EDGE_RIGHT - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Edge flag indicating that the right edge should be affected.
EDGE_TOP - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Edge flag indicating that the top edge should be affected.
EdgeEffectCompat - Class in android.support.v4.widget
Helper for accessing EdgeEffect introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
EdgeEffectCompat(Context) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.EdgeEffectCompat
Construct a new EdgeEffect themed using the given context.
editIntentAt(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder
Return the intent at the specified index for modification.
enableDebugLogging(boolean) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Control whether the framework's internal fragment manager debugging logs are turned on.
enableDebugLogging(boolean) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager
Control whether the framework's internal loader manager debugging logs are turned on.
END - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.GravityCompat
Push object to x-axis position at the end of its container, not changing its size.
endFakeDrag() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
End a fake drag of the pager.
entryRemoved(boolean, K, V, V) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LruCache
Called for entries that have been evicted or removed.
equals(Object) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Subclasses can not override equals().
equals(Object) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
equals(Object) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
evictAll() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LruCache
Clear the cache, calling LruCache.entryRemoved(boolean, K, V, V) on each removed entry.
evictionCount() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LruCache
Returns the number of values that have been evicted.
executeKeyEvent(KeyEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
You can call this function yourself to have the scroll view perform scrolling from a key event, just as if the event had been dispatched to it by the view hierarchy.
executePendingTransactions() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
After a FragmentTransaction is committed with FragmentTransaction.commit(), it is scheduled to be executed asynchronously on the process's main thread.
EXTRA_CALLING_ACTIVITY - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat
Intent extra that stores the ComponentName of the calling activity for an ACTION_SEND intent.
EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat
Intent extra that stores the name of the calling package for an ACTION_SEND intent.
EXTRA_CHANGED_PACKAGE_LIST - Static variable in class android.support.v4.content.IntentCompat
This field is part of Intent.ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLE, Intent.ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_UNAVAILABLE and contains a string array of all of the components that have changed.
EXTRA_CHANGED_UID_LIST - Static variable in class android.support.v4.content.IntentCompat
This field is part of Intent.ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_AVAILABLE, Intent.ACTION_EXTERNAL_APPLICATIONS_UNAVAILABLE and contains an integer array of uids of all of the components that have changed.
EXTRA_HTML_TEXT - Static variable in class android.support.v4.content.IntentCompat
A constant String that is associated with the Intent, used with Intent.ACTION_SEND to supply an alternative to Intent.EXTRA_TEXT as HTML formatted text.


failWrite(FileOutputStream) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.AtomicFile
Call when you have failed for some reason at writing to the stream returned by AtomicFile.startWrite().
fakeDragBy(float) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Fake drag by an offset in pixels.
FEEDBACK_ALL_MASK - Static variable in class android.support.v4.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat
Mask for all feedback types.
feedbackTypeToString(int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat
Returns the string representation of a feedback type.
FileProvider - Class in android.support.v4.content
Provider to support easy sharing of private files between apps.
FileProvider() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.content.FileProvider
findAccessibilityNodeInfosByText(String) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Finds AccessibilityNodeInfos by text.
findAccessibilityNodeInfosByText(String, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeProviderCompat
Finds AccessibilityNodeInfoCompats by text.
findFocus(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Find the view that has the specified focus type.
findFragmentById(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Finds a fragment that was identified by the given id either when inflated from XML or as the container ID when added in a transaction.
findFragmentByTag(String) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Finds a fragment that was identified by the given tag either when inflated from XML or as supplied when added in a transaction.
findPointerIndex(MotionEvent, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.MotionEventCompat
Call MotionEvent.findPointerIndex(int).
findTopChildUnder(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Find the topmost child under the given point within the parent view's coordinate system.
finish() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.EdgeEffectCompat
Immediately finish the current animation.
finishUpdate(ViewGroup) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentPagerAdapter
finishUpdate(ViewGroup) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentStatePagerAdapter
finishUpdate(ViewGroup) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Called when the a change in the shown pages has been completed.
finishUpdate(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Deprecated. Use PagerAdapter.finishUpdate(ViewGroup)
finishWrite(FileOutputStream) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.AtomicFile
Call when you have successfully finished writing to the stream returned by AtomicFile.startWrite().
FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK - Static variable in class android.support.v4.content.IntentCompat
If set in an Intent passed to Context.startActivity(), this flag will cause any existing task that would be associated with the activity to be cleared before the activity is started.
FLAG_ACTIVITY_TASK_ON_HOME - Static variable in class android.support.v4.content.IntentCompat
If set in an Intent passed to Context.startActivity(), this flag will cause a newly launching task to be placed on top of the current home activity task (if there is one).
FLAG_AUTO_REQUERY - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
Deprecated. This option is discouraged, as it results in Cursor queries being performed on the application's UI thread and thus can cause poor responsiveness or even Application Not Responding errors. As an alternative, use LoaderManager with a CursorLoader.
FLAG_HIGH_PRIORITY - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat
Deprecated. Use NotificationCompat.Builder.setPriority(int) with a positive value.
FLAG_REGISTER_CONTENT_OBSERVER - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
If set the adapter will register a content observer on the cursor and will call CursorAdapter.onContentChanged() when a notification comes in.
flagToString(int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat
Returns the string representation of a flag.
fling(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ScrollerCompat
Start scrolling based on a fling gesture.
fling(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ScrollerCompat
Start scrolling based on a fling gesture.
flingCapturedView(int, int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Settle the captured view based on standard free-moving fling behavior.
flush() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LogWriter
FOCUS_ACCESSIBILITY - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
The accessibility focus.
FOCUS_INPUT - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
The input focus.
focusSearch(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Searches for the nearest view in the specified direction that can take input focus.
forceLoad() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Force an asynchronous load.
formatDuration(long, StringBuilder) - Static method in class android.support.v4.util.TimeUtils
formatDuration(long, PrintWriter, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.util.TimeUtils
formatDuration(long, PrintWriter) - Static method in class android.support.v4.util.TimeUtils
formatDuration(long, long, PrintWriter) - Static method in class android.support.v4.util.TimeUtils
Fragment - Class in android.support.v4.app
Static library support version of the framework's Fragment.
Fragment() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Default constructor.
Fragment.InstantiationException - Exception in android.support.v4.app
Thrown by Fragment.instantiate(Context, String, Bundle) when there is an instantiation failure.
Fragment.InstantiationException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception android.support.v4.app.Fragment.InstantiationException
Fragment.SavedState - Class in android.support.v4.app
State information that has been retrieved from a fragment instance through FragmentManager.saveFragmentInstanceState.
FragmentActivity - Class in android.support.v4.app
Base class for activities that want to use the support-based Fragment and Loader APIs.
FragmentActivity() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
FragmentManager - Class in android.support.v4.app
Static library support version of the framework's FragmentManager.
FragmentManager() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
FragmentManager.BackStackEntry - Interface in android.support.v4.app
Representation of an entry on the fragment back stack, as created with FragmentTransaction.addToBackStack().
FragmentManager.OnBackStackChangedListener - Interface in android.support.v4.app
Interface to watch for changes to the back stack.
FragmentPagerAdapter - Class in android.support.v4.app
Implementation of PagerAdapter that represents each page as a Fragment that is persistently kept in the fragment manager as long as the user can return to the page.
FragmentPagerAdapter(FragmentManager) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.FragmentPagerAdapter
FragmentStatePagerAdapter - Class in android.support.v4.app
Implementation of PagerAdapter that uses a Fragment to manage each page.
FragmentStatePagerAdapter(FragmentManager) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.FragmentStatePagerAdapter
FragmentTabHost - Class in android.support.v4.app
Special TabHost that allows the use of Fragment objects for its tab content.
FragmentTabHost(Context) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTabHost
FragmentTabHost(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTabHost
FragmentTransaction - Class in android.support.v4.app
Static library support version of the framework's FragmentTransaction.
FragmentTransaction() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
from(Activity) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Create a new IntentBuilder for launching a sharing action from launchingActivity.
from(Activity) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Get an IntentReader for parsing and interpreting the sharing intent used to start the given activity.
from(Context) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder
Deprecated. use TaskStackBuilder.create(Context) instead


generateDefaultLayoutParams() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
generateDefaultLayoutParams() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
generateDefaultLayoutParams() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
generateLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
generateLayoutParams(AttributeSet) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
generateLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
generateLayoutParams(AttributeSet) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
generateLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
generateLayoutParams(AttributeSet) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
GestureDetectorCompat - Class in android.support.v4.view
Detects various gestures and events using the supplied MotionEvents.
GestureDetectorCompat(Context, GestureDetector.OnGestureListener) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.GestureDetectorCompat
Creates a GestureDetectorCompat with the supplied listener.
GestureDetectorCompat(Context, GestureDetector.OnGestureListener, Handler) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.GestureDetectorCompat
Creates a GestureDetectorCompat with the supplied listener.
get(long) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
Gets the Object mapped from the specified key, or null if no such mapping has been made.
get(long, E) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
Gets the Object mapped from the specified key, or the specified Object if no such mapping has been made.
get(K) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LruCache
Returns the value for key if it exists in the cache or can be created by #create.
get(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat
Gets the Object mapped from the specified key, or null if no such mapping has been made.
get(int, E) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat
Gets the Object mapped from the specified key, or the specified Object if no such mapping has been made.
getAbsoluteGravity(int, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.GravityCompat
Convert script specific gravity to absolute horizontal value.
getAccessibilityNodeProvider(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat
Gets the provider for managing a virtual view hierarchy rooted at this View and reported to AccessibilityServices that explore the window content.
getAccessibilityNodeProvider(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Gets the provider for managing a virtual view hierarchy rooted at this View and reported to AccessibilityServices that explore the window content.
getAccessibilityNodeProvider(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompatJB
getActionIndex(MotionEvent) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.MotionEventCompat
Call MotionEvent.getAction(), returning only the pointer index portion
getActionMasked(MotionEvent) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.MotionEventCompat
Call MotionEvent.getAction(), returning only the MotionEventCompat.ACTION_MASK portion.
getActions() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets the actions that can be performed on the node.
getActivePointerId() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
getActivitiesPendingIntent(Context, int, Intent[], int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilderHoneycomb
getActivity() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return the Activity this fragment is currently associated with.
getAdapter() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Retrieve the current adapter supplying pages.
getAddedCount() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets the number of added characters.
getArguments() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return the arguments supplied when the fragment was instantiated, if any.
getBackStackEntryAt(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Return the BackStackEntry at index index in the back stack; entries start index 0 being the bottom of the stack.
getBackStackEntryCount() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Return the number of entries currently in the back stack.
getBaseFile() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.AtomicFile
Return the path to the base file.
getBeforeText() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets the text before a change.
getBoundsInParent(Rect) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets the node bounds in parent coordinates.
getBoundsInScreen(Rect) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets the node bounds in screen coordinates.
getBreadCrumbShortTitle() - Method in interface android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager.BackStackEntry
Return the short bread crumb title for the entry, or null if it does not have one.
getBreadCrumbShortTitleRes() - Method in interface android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager.BackStackEntry
Return the short bread crumb title resource identifier for the entry, or 0 if it does not have one.
getBreadCrumbTitle() - Method in interface android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager.BackStackEntry
Return the full bread crumb title for the entry, or null if it does not have one.
getBreadCrumbTitleRes() - Method in interface android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager.BackStackEntry
Return the full bread crumb title resource identifier for the entry, or 0 if it does not have one.
getCallingActivity(Activity) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat
Retrieve the ComponentName of the activity that launched calledActivity from a share intent.
getCallingActivity() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Get the ComponentName of the Activity that invoked this sharing intent.
getCallingActivityIcon() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Get the icon of the calling activity as a Drawable if data about the calling activity is available.
getCallingApplicationIcon() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Get the icon of the calling application as a Drawable if data about the calling package is available.
getCallingApplicationLabel() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Get the human-readable label (title) of the calling application if data about the calling package is available.
getCallingPackage(Activity) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat
Retrieve the name of the package that launched calledActivity from a share intent.
getCallingPackage() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Get the name of the package that invoked this sharing intent.
getCanRetrieveWindowContent(AccessibilityServiceInfo) - Static method in class android.support.v4.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat
Whether this service can retrieve the current window's content.
getCapturedView() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
getChild(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Get the child at given index.
getChildCount() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets the number of children.
getChildDrawingOrder(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
getChildFragmentManager() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return a private FragmentManager for placing and managing Fragments inside of this Fragment.
getClassName() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets the class this node comes from.
getClassName() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets the class name of the source.
getContentDescription() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets the content description of this node.
getContentDescription() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets the description of the source.
getContext() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
getCount() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Return the number of views available.
getCount() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
getCoveredFadeColor() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
getCurrentItem() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
getCurrentItemIndex() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets the index of the source in the list of items the can be visited.
getCurrVelocity() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ScrollerCompat
Returns the current velocity on platform versions that support it.
getCurrX() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ScrollerCompat
Returns the current X offset in the scroll.
getCurrY() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ScrollerCompat
Returns the current Y offset in the scroll.
getCursor() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
Returns the cursor.
getCursorToStringConverter() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
Returns the converter used to convert the filtering Cursor into a String.
getDescription(AccessibilityServiceInfo) - Static method in class android.support.v4.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat
Description of the accessibility service.
getDialog() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
getDrawerLockMode(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Check the lock mode of the drawer with the given gravity.
getDrawerLockMode(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Check the lock mode of the given drawer view.
getDrawFullUnderline() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTabStrip
Return whether or not this tab strip will draw a full-width underline.
getDropDownView(int, View, ViewGroup) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
getEdgeSize() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Return the size of an edge.
getEmailBcc() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Get an array of Strings, each an email address to BCC on this share.
getEmailCc() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Get an array of Strings, each an email address to CC on this share.
getEmailTo() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Get an array of Strings, each an email address to share to.
getEnabledAccessibilityServiceList(AccessibilityManager, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerCompat
Returns the AccessibilityServiceInfos of the enabled accessibility services for a given feedback type.
getFilter() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
getFilterQueryProvider() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
Returns the query filter provider used for filtering.
getFinalX() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ScrollerCompat
getFinalY() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ScrollerCompat
getFragment(Bundle, String) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Retrieve the current Fragment instance for a reference previously placed with FragmentManager.putFragment(Bundle, String, Fragment).
getFragmentManager() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return the FragmentManager for interacting with fragments associated with this fragment's activity.
getFromIndex() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets the index of the first character of the changed sequence, or the beginning of a text selection or the index of the first visible item when scrolling.
getHtmlText() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Get the styled HTML text shared with the target activity.
getId(AccessibilityServiceInfo) - Static method in class android.support.v4.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat
The accessibility service id.
getId() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return the identifier this fragment is known by.
getId() - Method in interface android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager.BackStackEntry
Return the unique identifier for the entry.
getId() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
getImpl() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
getImportantForAccessibility(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Gets the mode for determining whether this View is important for accessibility which is if it fires accessibility events and if it is reported to accessibility services that query the screen.
getImportantForAccessibility(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompatJB
getInfo() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
getInstalledAccessibilityServiceList(AccessibilityManager) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerCompat
Returns the AccessibilityServiceInfos of the installed accessibility services.
getInstance(Context) - Static method in class android.support.v4.content.LocalBroadcastManager
getIntent() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Retrieve the Intent as configured so far by the IntentBuilder.
getIntent(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder
Deprecated. Renamed to editIntentAt to better reflect intended usage
getIntentCount() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder
getIntents() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder
Return an array containing the intents added to this builder.
getItem(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentPagerAdapter
Return the Fragment associated with a specified position.
getItem(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentStatePagerAdapter
Return the Fragment associated with a specified position.
getItem(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
getItemCount() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets the number of items that can be visited.
getItemId(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentPagerAdapter
Return a unique identifier for the item at the given position.
getItemId(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
getItemPosition(Object) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Called when the host view is attempting to determine if an item's position has changed.
getLabelFor(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Gets the id of a view for which a given view serves as a label for accessibility purposes.
getLastCustomNonConfigurationInstance() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Return the value previously returned from FragmentActivity.onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance().
getLayerType(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Indicates what type of layer is currently associated with this view.
getLayoutDirection(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Returns the resolved layout direction for this view.
getLayoutInflater(Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
getLayoutInflater(Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
getListAdapter() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ListFragment
Get the ListAdapter associated with this activity's ListView.
getListView() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ListFragment
Get the activity's list view widget.
getLoader(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager
Return the Loader with the given id or null if no matching Loader is found.
getLoaderManager() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return the LoaderManager for this fragment, creating it if needed.
getMaxScrollX() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets the max scroll offset of the source left edge in pixels.
getMaxScrollY() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets the max scroll offset of the source top edge in pixels.
getMinVelocity() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Return the currently configured minimum velocity.
getMovementGranularities() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets the movement granularities for traversing the text of this node.
getName() - Method in interface android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager.BackStackEntry
Get the name that was supplied to FragmentTransaction.addToBackStack(String) when creating this entry.
getNetworkInfoFromBroadcast(ConnectivityManager, Intent) - Static method in class android.support.v4.net.ConnectivityManagerCompat
Return the NetworkInfo that caused the given ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION broadcast.
getNotification() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Deprecated. Use NotificationCompat.Builder.build() instead.
getOffscreenPageLimit() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Returns the number of pages that will be retained to either side of the current page in the view hierarchy in an idle state.
getOrderedChildIndex(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper.Callback
Called to determine the Z-order of child views.
getOverScrollMode(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Returns the over-scroll mode for this view.
getPackageName() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets the package this node comes from.
getPageMargin() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Return the margin between pages.
getPageTitle(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
This method may be called by the ViewPager to obtain a title string to describe the specified page.
getPageWidth(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Returns the proportional width of a given page as a percentage of the ViewPager's measured width from (0.f-1.f]
getParallaxDistance() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
getParcelableData() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets the Parcelable data.
getParent() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets the parent.
getParentActivityIntent(Activity) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.NavUtils
Obtain an Intent that will launch an explicit target activity specified by sourceActivity's NavUtils.PARENT_ACTIVITY <meta-data> element in the application's manifest.
getParentActivityIntent(Context, Class<?>) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.NavUtils
Obtain an Intent that will launch an explicit target activity specified by sourceActivityClass's NavUtils.PARENT_ACTIVITY <meta-data> element in the application's manifest.
getParentActivityIntent(Context, ComponentName) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.NavUtils
Obtain an Intent that will launch an explicit target activity specified by sourceActivityClass's NavUtils.PARENT_ACTIVITY <meta-data> element in the application's manifest.
getParentActivityName(Activity) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.NavUtils
Return the fully qualified class name of sourceActivity's parent activity as specified by a NavUtils.PARENT_ACTIVITY <meta-data> element within the activity element in the application's manifest.
getParentActivityName(Context, ComponentName) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.NavUtils
Return the fully qualified class name of a source activity's parent activity as specified by a NavUtils.PARENT_ACTIVITY <meta-data> element within the activity element in the application's manifest.
getParentForAccessibility(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Gets the parent for accessibility purposes.
getParentForAccessibility(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompatJB
getParentFragment() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Returns the parent Fragment containing this Fragment.
getPendingIntent(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder
Obtain a PendingIntent for launching the task constructed by this builder so far.
getPendingIntent(int, int, Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder
Obtain a PendingIntent for launching the task constructed by this builder so far.
getPointerCount(MotionEvent) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.MotionEventCompat
The number of pointers of data contained in this event.
getPointerId(MotionEvent, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.MotionEventCompat
Call MotionEvent.getPointerId(int).
getProjection() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
getProvider() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeProviderCompat
getQuery(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat
Returns the query string currently in the text field.
getRecord(AccessibilityEvent, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Gets the record at a given index.
getRecordCount(AccessibilityEvent) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Gets the number of records contained in the event.
getRemovedCount() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets the number of removed characters.
getResolveInfo(AccessibilityServiceInfo) - Static method in class android.support.v4.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat
The service ResolveInfo.
getResources() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return getActivity().getResources().
getRetainInstance() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
getScaledPagingTouchSlop(ViewConfiguration) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewConfigurationCompat
Call ViewConfiguration.getScaledPagingTouchSlop().
getScrollX() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets the scroll offset of the source left edge in pixels.
getScrollY() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets the scroll offset of the source top edge in pixels.
getSelectedItemId() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ListFragment
Get the cursor row ID of the currently selected list item.
getSelectedItemPosition() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ListFragment
Get the position of the currently selected list item.
getSelection() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
getSelectionArgs() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
getSettingsActivityName(AccessibilityServiceInfo) - Static method in class android.support.v4.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat
The settings activity name.
getShowsDialog() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
Return the current value of DialogFragment.setShowsDialog(boolean).
getSliderFadeColor() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
getSortOrder() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
getSource() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets the AccessibilityNodeInfo of the event source.
getStream() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Get a URI referring to a data stream shared with the target activity.
getStream(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Get the URI of a stream item shared with the target activity.
getStreamCount() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Return the number of stream items shared.
getString(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return a localized string from the application's package's default string table.
getString(int, Object...) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return a localized formatted string from the application's package's default string table, substituting the format arguments as defined in Formatter and String.format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object...).
getStringConversionColumn() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
Return the index of the column used to get a String representation of the Cursor.
getSubject() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Get a subject heading for this share; useful when sharing via email.
getSupportFragmentManager() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Return the FragmentManager for interacting with fragments associated with this activity.
getSupportLoaderManager() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Return the LoaderManager for this fragment, creating it if needed.
getTabIndicatorColor() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTabStrip
getTag() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Get the tag name of the fragment, if specified.
getTargetFragment() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return the target fragment set by Fragment.setTargetFragment(android.support.v4.app.Fragment, int).
getTargetRequestCode() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return the target request code set by Fragment.setTargetFragment(android.support.v4.app.Fragment, int).
getText(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return a localized, styled CharSequence from the application's package's default string table.
getText() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Get the literal text shared with the target activity.
getText() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets the text of this node.
getText() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets the text of the event.
getTextSpacing() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTitleStrip
getTheme() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
getThemeUpIndicator(Activity) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.ActionBarSherlockDrawerToggleImpl
getThreadStatsTag() - Static method in class android.support.v4.net.TrafficStatsCompat
Get the active tag used when accounting Socket traffic originating from the current thread.
getThreadStatsTag() - Static method in class android.support.v4.net.TrafficStatsCompatIcs
getToIndex() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets the index of text selection end or the index of the last visible item when scrolling.
getTouchSlop() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
getType() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Get the mimetype of the data shared to this activity.
getType(Uri) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.FileProvider
getUri() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
getUriForFile(Context, String, File) - Static method in class android.support.v4.content.FileProvider
Return a Uri that provides access to the given File.
getUserVisibleHint() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
getView() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Get the root view for the fragment's layout (the one returned by Fragment.onCreateView(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup, android.os.Bundle)), if provided.
getView(int, View, ViewGroup) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
getViewBinder() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
Returns the SimpleCursorAdapter.ViewBinder used to bind data to views.
getViewDragState() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Retrieve the current drag state of this helper.
getViewHorizontalDragRange(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper.Callback
Return the magnitude of a draggable child view's horizontal range of motion in pixels.
getViewVerticalDragRange(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper.Callback
Return the magnitude of a draggable child view's vertical range of motion in pixels.
getWindowId() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets the id of the window from which the info comes from.
getWindowId() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets the id of the window from which the event comes from.
getX(MotionEvent, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.MotionEventCompat
Call MotionEvent.getX(int).
getXVelocity(VelocityTracker, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.VelocityTrackerCompat
Call VelocityTracker.getXVelocity(int).
getY(MotionEvent, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.MotionEventCompat
Call MotionEvent.getY(int).
getYVelocity(VelocityTracker, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.VelocityTrackerCompat
Call VelocityTracker.getYVelocity(int).
gravity - Variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager.LayoutParams
Gravity setting for use on decor views only: Where to position the view page within the overall ViewPager container; constants are defined in Gravity.
gravity - Variable in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.LayoutParams
GravityCompat - Class in android.support.v4.view
Compatibility shim for accessing newer functionality from Gravity.
GravityCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.GravityCompat


hashCode() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Subclasses can not override hashCode().
hashCode() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
hashCode() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
hasModifiers(KeyEvent, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.KeyEventCompat
hasNoModifiers(KeyEvent) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.KeyEventCompat
hasRunningLoaders() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager
Returns true if any loaders managed are currently running and have not returned data to the application yet.
hasStableIds() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
hasTransientState(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Indicates whether the view is currently tracking transient state that the app should not need to concern itself with saving and restoring, but that the framework should take special note to preserve when possible.
hasTransientState(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompatJB
hide(Fragment) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Hides an existing fragment.
hitCount() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LruCache
Returns the number of times LruCache.get(K) returned a value.
HUNDRED_DAY_FIELD_LEN - Static variable in class android.support.v4.util.TimeUtils


icon - Variable in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Action
idealByteArraySize(int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
idealLongArraySize(int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_AUTO - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Automatically determine whether a view is important for accessibility.
IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_NO - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
The view is not important for accessibility.
IMPORTANT_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY_YES - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
The view is important for accessibility.
incrementOperationCount(int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.net.TrafficStatsCompat
Increment count of network operations performed under the accounting tag currently active on the calling thread.
incrementOperationCount(int, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.net.TrafficStatsCompat
Increment count of network operations performed under the given accounting tag.
incrementOperationCount(int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.net.TrafficStatsCompatIcs
incrementOperationCount(int, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.net.TrafficStatsCompatIcs
indexOfKey(long) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
Returns the index for which LongSparseArray.keyAt(int) would return the specified key, or a negative number if the specified key is not mapped.
indexOfKey(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat
Returns the index for which SparseArrayCompat.keyAt(int) would return the specified key, or a negative number if the specified key is not mapped.
indexOfValue(E) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
Returns an index for which LongSparseArray.valueAt(int) would return the specified key, or a negative number if no keys map to the specified value.
indexOfValue(E) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat
Returns an index for which SparseArrayCompat.valueAt(int) would return the specified key, or a negative number if no keys map to the specified value.
init(Context, Cursor, boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
Deprecated. Don't use this, use the normal constructor. This will be removed in the future.
initLoader(int, Bundle, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<D>) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager
Ensures a loader is initialized and active.
insert(Uri, ContentValues) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.FileProvider
instantiate(Context, String) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Like Fragment.instantiate(Context, String, Bundle) but with a null argument Bundle.
instantiate(Context, String, Bundle) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Create a new instance of a Fragment with the given class name.
instantiateItem(ViewGroup, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentPagerAdapter
instantiateItem(ViewGroup, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentStatePagerAdapter
instantiateItem(ViewGroup, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Create the page for the given position.
instantiateItem(View, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Deprecated. Use PagerAdapter.instantiateItem(ViewGroup, int)
IntentCompat - Class in android.support.v4.content
Helper for accessing features in Intent introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
INVALID_POINTER - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
A null/invalid pointer ID.
invalidateOptionsMenu(Activity) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.ActivityCompat
Invalidate the activity's options menu, if able.
isAbandoned() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Return whether this loader has been abandoned.
isAccessibilityFocused() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets whether this node is accessibility focused.
isActiveNetworkMetered(ConnectivityManager) - Static method in class android.support.v4.net.ConnectivityManagerCompat
Returns if the currently active data network is metered.
isAdded() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return true if the fragment is currently added to its activity.
isAddToBackStackAllowed() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Returns true if this FragmentTransaction is allowed to be added to the back stack.
isCancelable() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
Return the current value of DialogFragment.setCancelable(boolean).
isCapturedViewUnder(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Determine if the currently captured view is under the given point in the parent view's coordinate system.
isCheckable() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets whether this node is checkable.
isChecked() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets whether this node is checked.
isChecked() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets if the source is checked.
isClickable() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets whether this node is clickable.
isDecor - Variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager.LayoutParams
true if this view is a decoration on the pager itself and not a view supplied by the adapter.
isDetached() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return true if the fragment has been explicitly detached from the UI.
isDrawerIndicatorEnabled() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ActionBarDrawerToggle
isDrawerOpen(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Check if the given drawer view is currently in an open state.
isDrawerOpen(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Check if the given drawer view is currently in an open state.
isDrawerVisible(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Check if a given drawer view is currently visible on-screen.
isDrawerVisible(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Check if a given drawer view is currently visible on-screen.
isEdgeTouched(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Check if any of the edges specified were initially touched in the currently active gesture.
isEdgeTouched(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Check if any of the edges specified were initially touched by the pointer with the specified ID.
isEmpty() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
isEnabled() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets whether this node is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets if the source is enabled.
isFakeDragging() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Returns true if a fake drag is in progress.
isFinished() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.EdgeEffectCompat
Reports if this EdgeEffectCompat's animation is finished.
isFinished() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ScrollerCompat
Returns whether the scroller has finished scrolling.
isFocusable() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets whether this node is focusable.
isFocused() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets whether this node is focused.
isFullScreen() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets if the source is taking the entire screen.
isHidden() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return true if the fragment has been hidden.
isIconified(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat
Returns the current iconified state of the SearchView.
isInLayout() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return true if the layout is included as part of an activity view hierarchy via the <fragment> tag.
isLongClickable() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets whether this node is long clickable.
isLongpressEnabled() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.GestureDetectorCompat
isMultipleShare() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Returns true if the activity this reader was obtained for was started with an Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE intent.
isOpen() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
Check if the layout is completely open.
isOverScrolled() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ScrollerCompat
Returns whether the current Scroller is currently returning to a valid position.
isPassword() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets whether this node is a password.
isPassword() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets if the source is a password field.
isPointerDown(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Check if the given pointer ID represents a pointer that is currently down (to the best of the ViewDragHelper's knowledge).
isQueryRefinementEnabled(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat
Returns whether query refinement is enabled for all items or only specific ones.
isRemoving() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return true if this fragment is currently being removed from its activity.
isReset() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Return whether this load has been reset.
isResumed() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return true if the fragment is in the resumed state.
isScrollable() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets if the node is scrollable.
isScrollable() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Gets if the source is scrollable.
isSelected() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Gets whether this node is selected.
isShareIntent() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Returns true if the activity this reader was obtained for was started with an Intent.ACTION_SEND or Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE sharing Intent.
isSingleShare() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentReader
Returns true if the activity this reader was obtained for was started with an Intent.ACTION_SEND intent and contains a single shared item.
isSlideable() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
Check if the content in this layout cannot fully fit side by side and therefore the content pane can be slid back and forth.
isStarted() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Return whether this load has been started.
isSubmitButtonEnabled(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat
Returns whether the submit button is enabled when necessary or never displayed.
isTouchExplorationEnabled(AccessibilityManager) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerCompat
Returns if the touch exploration in the system is enabled.
isTracking(KeyEvent) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.KeyEventCompat
isViewFromObject(View, Object) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentPagerAdapter
isViewFromObject(View, Object) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentStatePagerAdapter
isViewFromObject(View, Object) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Determines whether a page View is associated with a specific key object as returned by PagerAdapter.instantiateItem(ViewGroup, int).
isViewUnder(View, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Determine if the supplied view is under the given point in the parent view's coordinate system.
isVisible() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Return true if the fragment is currently visible to the user.
isVisibleToUser() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets whether this node is visible to the user.
iterator() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder
Deprecated. Use editIntentAt instead


keyAt(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
Given an index in the range 0...size()-1, returns the key from the indexth key-value mapping that this LongSparseArray stores.
keyAt(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat
Given an index in the range 0...size()-1, returns the key from the indexth key-value mapping that this SparseArray stores.
KeyEventCompat - Class in android.support.v4.view
Helper for accessing features in KeyEvent introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
KeyEventCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.KeyEventCompat


LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Indicates that the view has a hardware layer.
LAYER_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Indicates that the view does not have a layer.
LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Indicates that the view has a software layer.
LAYOUT_DIRECTION_INHERIT - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Horizontal layout direction of this view is inherited from its parent.
LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LOCALE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Horizontal layout direction of this view is from deduced from the default language script for the locale.
LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Horizontal layout direction of this view is from Left to Right.
LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Horizontal layout direction of this view is from Right to Left.
ListFragment - Class in android.support.v4.app
Static library support version of the framework's ListFragment.
ListFragment() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.ListFragment
Loader<D> - Class in android.support.v4.content
Static library support version of the framework's Loader.
Loader(Context) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Stores away the application context associated with context.
Loader.ForceLoadContentObserver - Class in android.support.v4.content
An implementation of a ContentObserver that takes care of connecting it to the Loader to have the loader re-load its data when the observer is told it has changed.
Loader.ForceLoadContentObserver() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.content.Loader.ForceLoadContentObserver
Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener<D> - Interface in android.support.v4.content
Interface that is implemented to discover when a Loader has finished loading its data.
LoaderManager - Class in android.support.v4.app
Static library support version of the framework's LoaderManager.
LoaderManager() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager
LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<D> - Interface in android.support.v4.app
Callback interface for a client to interact with the manager.
loadInBackground() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.AsyncTaskLoader
loadInBackground() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
LocalBroadcastManager - Class in android.support.v4.content
Helper to register for and send broadcasts of Intents to local objects within your process.
LOCK_MODE_LOCKED_CLOSED - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
The drawer is locked closed.
LOCK_MODE_LOCKED_OPEN - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
The drawer is locked open.
LOCK_MODE_UNLOCKED - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
The drawer is unlocked.
LogWriter - Class in android.support.v4.util
Helper for accessing features in android.util.LogWriter introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
LogWriter(String) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.util.LogWriter
Create a new Writer that sends to the log with the given priority and tag.
LongSparseArray<E> - Class in android.support.v4.util
SparseArray mapping longs to Objects.
LongSparseArray() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
Creates a new LongSparseArray containing no mappings.
LongSparseArray(int) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
Creates a new LongSparseArray containing no mappings that will not require any additional memory allocation to store the specified number of mappings.
LruCache<K,V> - Class in android.support.v4.util
Static library version of LruCache.
LruCache(int) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.util.LruCache


makeCustomAnimation(Context, int, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.ActivityOptionsCompat
Create an ActivityOptions specifying a custom animation to run when the activity is displayed.
makeMainActivity(ComponentName) - Static method in class android.support.v4.content.IntentCompat
Create an intent to launch the main (root) activity of a task.
makeMainSelectorActivity(String, String) - Static method in class android.support.v4.content.IntentCompat
Make an Intent for the main activity of an application, without specifying a specific activity to run but giving a selector to find the activity.
makeRestartActivityTask(ComponentName) - Static method in class android.support.v4.content.IntentCompat
Make an Intent that can be used to re-launch an application's task in its base state.
makeScaleUpAnimation(View, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.ActivityOptionsCompat
Create an ActivityOptions specifying an animation where the new activity is scaled from a small originating area of the screen to its final full representation.
makeThumbnailScaleUpAnimation(View, Bitmap, int, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.ActivityOptionsCompat
Create an ActivityOptions specifying an animation where a thumbnail is scaled from a given position to the new activity window that is being started.
mAutoRequery - Variable in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK.
maxSize() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LruCache
For caches that do not override LruCache.sizeOf(K, V), this returns the maximum number of entries in the cache.
mChangeObserver - Variable in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK.
mContext - Variable in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK.
mCursor - Variable in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK.
mCursorFilter - Variable in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK.
mDataSetObserver - Variable in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK.
mDataValid - Variable in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK.
MenuCompat - Class in android.support.v4.view
Helper for accessing features in Menu introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
MenuCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.MenuCompat
MenuItemCompat - Class in android.support.v4.view
Helper for accessing features in MenuItem introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
MenuItemCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.MenuItemCompat
metaStateHasModifiers(int, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.KeyEventCompat
metaStateHasNoModifiers(int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.KeyEventCompat
mFilterQueryProvider - Variable in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK.
mFrom - Variable in class android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
A list of columns containing the data to bind to the UI.
missCount() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LruCache
Returns the number of times LruCache.get(K) returned null or required a new value to be created.
MotionEventCompat - Class in android.support.v4.view
Helper for accessing features in MotionEvent introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
MotionEventCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.MotionEventCompat
MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_CHARACTER - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Movement granularity bit for traversing the text of a node by character.
MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_LINE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Movement granularity bit for traversing the text of a node by line.
MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_PAGE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Movement granularity bit for traversing the text of a node by page.
MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_PARAGRAPH - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Movement granularity bit for traversing the text of a node by paragraph.
MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY_WORD - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Movement granularity bit for traversing the text of a node by word.
mRowIDColumn - Variable in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
This field should be made private, so it is hidden from the SDK.
mTo - Variable in class android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
A list of View ids representing the views to which the data must be bound.


navigateUpFromSameTask(Activity) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.NavUtils
Convenience method that is equivalent to calling navigateUpTo(sourceActivity, getParentActivityIntent (sourceActivity)).
navigateUpTo(Activity, Intent) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.NavUtils
Navigate from sourceActivity to the activity specified by upIntent, finishing sourceActivity in the process. upIntent will have the flag Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP set by this method, along with any others required for proper up navigation as outlined in the Android Design Guide.
NavUtils - Class in android.support.v4.app
NavUtils provides helper functionality for applications implementing recommended Android UI navigation patterns.
newArray(int) - Method in interface android.support.v4.os.ParcelableCompatCreatorCallbacks
Create a new array of the Parcelable class.
newCreator(ParcelableCompatCreatorCallbacks<T>) - Static method in class android.support.v4.os.ParcelableCompat
Factory method for Parcelable.Creator.
newDropDownView(Context, Cursor, ViewGroup) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
Makes a new drop down view to hold the data pointed to by cursor.
newDropDownView(Context, Cursor, ViewGroup) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ResourceCursorAdapter
newSearchView(Context) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat
Creates a new SearchView.
newView(Context, Cursor, ViewGroup) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
Makes a new view to hold the data pointed to by cursor.
newView(Context, Cursor, ViewGroup) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ResourceCursorAdapter
Inflates view(s) from the specified XML file.
normalizeMetaState(int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.KeyEventCompat
NotificationCompat - Class in android.support.v4.app
Helper for accessing features in Notification introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
NotificationCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat
NotificationCompat.Action - Class in android.support.v4.app
NotificationCompat.Action(int, CharSequence, PendingIntent) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Action
NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle - Class in android.support.v4.app
Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a large image attachment.
NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle
NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle(NotificationCompat.Builder) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle
NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle - Class in android.support.v4.app
Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a lot of text.
NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle
NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle(NotificationCompat.Builder) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle
NotificationCompat.Builder - Class in android.support.v4.app
Builder class for NotificationCompat objects.
NotificationCompat.Builder(Context) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
NotificationCompat.InboxStyle - Class in android.support.v4.app
Helper class for generating large-format notifications that include a list of (up to 5) strings.
NotificationCompat.InboxStyle() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.InboxStyle
NotificationCompat.InboxStyle(NotificationCompat.Builder) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.InboxStyle
NotificationCompat.Style - Class in android.support.v4.app
An object that can apply a rich notification style to a Notification.Builder object.
NotificationCompat.Style() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Style
notifyDataSetChanged() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
This method should be called by the application if the data backing this adapter has changed and associated views should update.
notifyHorizontalEdgeReached(int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ScrollerCompat
Notify the scroller that we've reached a horizontal boundary.
notifyVerticalEdgeReached(int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ScrollerCompat
Notify the scroller that we've reached a vertical boundary.


obtain(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Returns a cached instance if such is available otherwise a new one and sets the source.
obtain(View, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Returns a cached instance if such is available otherwise a new one and sets the source.
obtain() - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Returns a cached instance if such is available otherwise a new one.
obtain(AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Returns a cached instance if such is available or a new one is create.
obtain(AccessibilityRecordCompat) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Returns a cached instance if such is available or a new one is instantiated.
obtain() - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Returns a cached instance if such is available or a new one is instantiated.
onAbandon() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Subclasses implement this to take care of being abandoned.
onAbsorb(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.EdgeEffectCompat
Call when the effect absorbs an impact at the given velocity.
onAccessibilityStateChanged(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerCompat.AccessibilityStateChangeListenerCompat
Called back on change in the accessibility state.
onActivityCreated(Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
onActivityCreated(Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called when the fragment's activity has been created and this fragment's view hierarchy instantiated.
onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Receive the result from a previous call to Fragment.startActivityForResult(Intent, int).
onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Dispatch incoming result to the correct fragment.
onAttach(Activity) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
onAttach(Activity) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called when a fragment is first attached to its activity.
onAttachedToWindow() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTabHost
onAttachedToWindow() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTitleStrip
onAttachedToWindow() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
onAttachedToWindow() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
onAttachedToWindow() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
onAttachFragment(Fragment) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Called when a fragment is attached to the activity.
onBackPressed() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Take care of popping the fragment back stack or finishing the activity as appropriate.
onBackStackChanged() - Method in interface android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager.OnBackStackChangedListener
Called whenever the contents of the back stack change.
onCancel(DialogInterface) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
onCanceled(D) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.AsyncTaskLoader
Called if the task was canceled before it was completed.
onCanceled(Cursor) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
onChange(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader.ForceLoadContentObserver
onClose() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat.OnCloseListenerCompat
The user is attempting to close the SearchView.
onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ActionBarDrawerToggle
This method should always be called by your Activity's onConfigurationChanged method.
onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Dispatch configuration change to all fragments.
onContentChanged() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Called when Loader.ForceLoadContentObserver detects a change.
onContentChanged() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
Called when the ContentObserver on the cursor receives a change notification.
onContextItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
This hook is called whenever an item in a context menu is selected.
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called to do initial creation of a fragment.
onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Perform initialization of all fragments and loaders.
onCreate() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.FileProvider
onCreateAnimator(int, boolean, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called when a fragment loads an animation.
onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu, View, ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called when a context menu for the view is about to be shown.
onCreateDialog(Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
Override to build your own custom Dialog container.
onCreateLoader(int, Bundle) - Method in interface android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks
Instantiate and return a new Loader for the given ID.
onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu, MenuInflater) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Initialize the contents of the Activity's standard options menu.
onCreatePanelMenu(int, Menu) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Dispatch to Fragment.onCreateOptionsMenu().
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called to have the fragment instantiate its user interface view.
onCreateView(String, Context, AttributeSet) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Add support for inflating the <fragment> tag.
onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ListFragment
Provide default implementation to return a simple list view.
onDestroy() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called when the fragment is no longer in use.
onDestroy() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Destroy all fragments and loaders.
onDestroyOptionsMenu() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called when this fragment's option menu items are no longer being included in the overall options menu.
onDestroyView() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
Remove dialog.
onDestroyView() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called when the view previously created by Fragment.onCreateView(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup, android.os.Bundle) has been detached from the fragment.
onDestroyView() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ListFragment
Detach from list view.
onDetach() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
onDetach() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called when the fragment is no longer attached to its activity.
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTabHost
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTitleStrip
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
onDetachedFromWindow() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
onDismiss(DialogInterface) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
onDraw(Canvas) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTabStrip
onDraw(Canvas) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
onDrawerClosed(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ActionBarDrawerToggle
DrawerLayout.DrawerListener callback method.
onDrawerClosed(View) - Method in interface android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.DrawerListener
Called when a drawer has settled in a completely closed state.
onDrawerClosed(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.SimpleDrawerListener
onDrawerOpened(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ActionBarDrawerToggle
DrawerLayout.DrawerListener callback method.
onDrawerOpened(View) - Method in interface android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.DrawerListener
Called when a drawer has settled in a completely open state.
onDrawerOpened(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.SimpleDrawerListener
onDrawerSlide(View, float) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ActionBarDrawerToggle
DrawerLayout.DrawerListener callback method.
onDrawerSlide(View, float) - Method in interface android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.DrawerListener
Called when a drawer's position changes.
onDrawerSlide(View, float) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.SimpleDrawerListener
onDrawerStateChanged(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ActionBarDrawerToggle
DrawerLayout.DrawerListener callback method.
onDrawerStateChanged(int) - Method in interface android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.DrawerListener
Called when the drawer motion state changes.
onDrawerStateChanged(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.SimpleDrawerListener
onEdgeDragStarted(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper.Callback
Called when the user has started a deliberate drag away from one of the subscribed edges in the parent view while no child view is currently captured.
onEdgeLock(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper.Callback
Called when the given edge may become locked.
onEdgeTouched(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper.Callback
Called when one of the subscribed edges in the parent view has been touched by the user while no child view is currently captured.
onForceLoad() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.AsyncTaskLoader
onForceLoad() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Subclasses must implement this to take care of requests to Loader.forceLoad().
onHiddenChanged(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called when the hidden state (as returned by Fragment.isHidden() of the fragment has changed.
onInflate(Activity, AttributeSet, Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called when a fragment is being created as part of a view layout inflation, typically from setting the content view of an activity.
onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat
Initializes an AccessibilityEvent with information about the the host View which is the event source.
onInitializeAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Initializes an AccessibilityEvent with information about this View which is the event source.
onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(View, AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat
Initializes an AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat with information about the host view.
onInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfo(View, AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Initializes an AccessibilityNodeInfo with information about this view.
onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
onKeyDown(int, KeyEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Take care of calling onBackPressed() for pre-Eclair platforms.
onKeyDown(int, KeyEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
onKeyUp(int, KeyEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTitleStrip
onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
onLayout(boolean, int, int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
onListItemClick(ListView, View, int, long) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ListFragment
This method will be called when an item in the list is selected.
onLoadComplete(Loader<D>, D) - Method in interface android.support.v4.content.Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener
Called on the thread that created the Loader when the load is complete.
onLoaderReset(Loader<D>) - Method in interface android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks
Called when a previously created loader is being reset, and thus making its data unavailable.
onLoadFinished(Loader<D>, D) - Method in interface android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks
Called when a previously created loader has finished its load.
onLoadInBackground() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.AsyncTaskLoader
Called on a worker thread to perform the actual load.
onLowMemory() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
onLowMemory() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Dispatch onLowMemory() to all fragments.
onMeasure(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTitleStrip
onMeasure(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
onMeasure(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
onMeasure(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
onMenuItemSelected(int, MenuItem) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Dispatch context and options menu to fragments.
onNewIntent(Intent) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Handle onNewIntent() to inform the fragment manager that the state is not saved.
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ActionBarDrawerToggle
This method should be called by your Activity's onOptionsItemSelected method.
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ActionBarDrawerToggle
This method should be called by your SherlockActivity's onOptionsItemSelected method.
onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
This hook is called whenever an item in your options menu is selected.
onOptionsMenuClosed(Menu) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
This hook is called whenever the options menu is being closed (either by the user canceling the menu with the back/menu button, or when an item is selected).
onPageScrolled(int, float, int) - Method in interface android.support.v4.view.ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener
This method will be invoked when the current page is scrolled, either as part of a programmatically initiated smooth scroll or a user initiated touch scroll.
onPageScrolled(int, float, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
This method will be invoked when the current page is scrolled, either as part of a programmatically initiated smooth scroll or a user initiated touch scroll.
onPageScrolled(int, float, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener
onPageScrollStateChanged(int) - Method in interface android.support.v4.view.ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener
Called when the scroll state changes.
onPageScrollStateChanged(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener
onPageSelected(int) - Method in interface android.support.v4.view.ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener
This method will be invoked when a new page becomes selected.
onPageSelected(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener
onPanelClosed(int, Menu) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Call onOptionsMenuClosed() on fragments.
onPanelClosed(View) - Method in interface android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout.PanelSlideListener
Called when a sliding pane becomes slid completely closed.
onPanelClosed(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout.SimplePanelSlideListener
onPanelOpened(View) - Method in interface android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout.PanelSlideListener
Called when a sliding pane becomes slid completely open.
onPanelOpened(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout.SimplePanelSlideListener
onPanelSlide(View, float) - Method in interface android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout.PanelSlideListener
Called when a sliding pane's position changes.
onPanelSlide(View, float) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout.SimplePanelSlideListener
onPause() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called when the Fragment is no longer resumed.
onPause() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Dispatch onPause() to fragments.
onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat
Gives a chance to the host View to populate the accessibility event with its text content.
onPopulateAccessibilityEvent(View, AccessibilityEvent) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Called from View.dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent) giving a chance to this View to populate the accessibility event with its text content.
onPostResume() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Dispatch onResume() to fragments.
onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Prepare the Screen's standard options menu to be displayed.
onPreparePanel(int, View, Menu) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Dispatch onPrepareOptionsMenu() to fragments.
onPull(float) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.EdgeEffectCompat
A view should call this when content is pulled away from an edge by the user.
onQueryTextChange(String) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat.OnQueryTextListenerCompat
Called when the query text is changed by the user.
onQueryTextSubmit(String) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat.OnQueryTextListenerCompat
Called when the user submits the query.
onRelease() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.EdgeEffectCompat
Call when the object is released after being pulled.
onRequestFocusInDescendants(int, Rect) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
We only want the current page that is being shown to be focusable.
onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(ViewGroup, View, AccessibilityEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat
Called when a child of the host View has requested sending an AccessibilityEvent and gives an opportunity to the parent (the host) to augment the event.
onRequestSendAccessibilityEvent(ViewGroup, View, AccessibilityEvent) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewGroupCompat
Called when a child has requested sending an AccessibilityEvent and gives an opportunity to its parent to augment the event.
onReset() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
onReset() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Subclasses must implement this to take care of resetting their loader, as per Loader.reset().
onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTabHost
onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
onResume() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called when the fragment is visible to the user and actively running.
onResume() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Dispatch onResume() to fragments.
onResumeFragments() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
This is the fragment-orientated version of FragmentActivity.onResume() that you can override to perform operations in the Activity at the same point where its fragments are resumed.
onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Use this instead of FragmentActivity.onRetainNonConfigurationInstance().
onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Retain all appropriate fragment and loader state.
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called to ask the fragment to save its current dynamic state, so it can later be reconstructed in a new instance of its process is restarted.
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Save all appropriate fragment state.
onSaveInstanceState() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTabHost
onSaveInstanceState() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
onSaveInstanceState() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
onSaveInstanceState() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
onSizeChanged(int, int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
onSizeChanged(int, int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
onStart() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
onStart() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called when the Fragment is visible to the user.
onStart() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Dispatch onStart() to all fragments.
onStartLoading() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
Starts an asynchronous load of the contacts list data.
onStartLoading() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Subclasses must implement this to take care of loading their data, as per Loader.startLoading().
onStop() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
onStop() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called when the Fragment is no longer started.
onStop() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Dispatch onStop() to all fragments.
onStopLoading() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
Must be called from the UI thread
onStopLoading() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Subclasses must implement this to take care of stopping their loader, as per Loader.stopLoading().
onTabChanged(String) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTabHost
onTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.GestureDetectorCompat
Analyzes the given motion event and if applicable triggers the appropriate callbacks on the GestureDetector.OnGestureListener supplied.
onTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTabStrip
onTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
onTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
onTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
onViewCaptured(View, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper.Callback
Called when a child view is captured for dragging or settling.
onViewCreated(View, Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called immediately after Fragment.onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) has returned, but before any saved state has been restored in to the view.
onViewCreated(View, Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ListFragment
Attach to list view once the view hierarchy has been created.
onViewDragStateChanged(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper.Callback
Called when the drag state changes.
onViewPositionChanged(View, int, int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper.Callback
Called when the captured view's position changes as the result of a drag or settle.
onViewReleased(View, float, float) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper.Callback
Called when the child view is no longer being actively dragged.
onViewStateRestored(Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Called when all saved state has been restored into the view hierarchy of the fragment.
openDrawer(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Open the specified drawer view by animating it into view.
openDrawer(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Open the specified drawer by animating it out of view.
openFile(Uri, String) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.FileProvider
openPane() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
Open the sliding pane if it is currently slideable.
openRead() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.AtomicFile
Open the atomic file for reading.
openTransaction() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Always allow a user to over-scroll this view, provided it is a view that can scroll.
OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Allow a user to over-scroll this view only if the content is large enough to meaningfully scroll, provided it is a view that can scroll.
OVER_SCROLL_NEVER - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Never allow a user to over-scroll this view.


PagerAdapter - Class in android.support.v4.view
Base class providing the adapter to populate pages inside of a ViewPager.
PagerAdapter() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
PagerTabStrip - Class in android.support.v4.view
PagerTabStrip is an interactive indicator of the current, next, and previous pages of a ViewPager.
PagerTabStrip(Context) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.PagerTabStrip
PagerTabStrip(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.PagerTabStrip
PagerTitleStrip - Class in android.support.v4.view
PagerTitleStrip is a non-interactive indicator of the current, next, and previous pages of a ViewPager.
PagerTitleStrip(Context) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.PagerTitleStrip
PagerTitleStrip(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.PagerTitleStrip
ParcelableCompat - Class in android.support.v4.os
Helper for accessing features in Parcelable introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
ParcelableCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.os.ParcelableCompat
ParcelableCompatCreatorCallbacks<T> - Interface in android.support.v4.os
Callbacks a Parcelable creator should implement.
PARENT_ACTIVITY - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.NavUtils
performAccessibilityAction(View, int, Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat
Performs the specified accessibility action on the view.
performAccessibilityAction(View, int, Bundle) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Performs the specified accessibility action on the view.
performAccessibilityAction(View, int, Bundle) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompatJB
performAction(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Performs an action on the node.
performAction(int, Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Performs an action on the node.
performAction(int, int, Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeProviderCompat
Performs an accessibility action on a virtual view, i.e. a descendant of the host View, with the given virtualViewId or the host View itself if virtualViewId equals to View.NO_ID.
POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Flag for FragmentManager.popBackStack(String, int) and FragmentManager.popBackStack(int, int): If set, and the name or ID of a back stack entry has been supplied, then all matching entries will be consumed until one that doesn't match is found or the bottom of the stack is reached.
popBackStack() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Pop the top state off the back stack.
popBackStack(String, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Pop the last fragment transition from the manager's fragment back stack.
popBackStack(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Pop all back stack states up to the one with the given identifier.
popBackStackImmediate() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Like FragmentManager.popBackStack(), but performs the operation immediately inside of the call.
popBackStackImmediate(String, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Like FragmentManager.popBackStack(String, int), but performs the operation immediately inside of the call.
popBackStackImmediate(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Like FragmentManager.popBackStack(int, int), but performs the operation immediately inside of the call.
POSITION_NONE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
POSITION_UNCHANGED - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
postInvalidateOnAnimation(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Cause an invalidate to happen on the next animation time step, typically the next display frame.
postInvalidateOnAnimation(View, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Cause an invalidate of the specified area to happen on the next animation time step, typically the next display frame.
postInvalidateOnAnimation(View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompatJB
postInvalidateOnAnimation(View, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompatJB
postOnAnimation(View, Runnable) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Causes the Runnable to execute on the next animation time step.
postOnAnimation(View, Runnable) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompatJB
postOnAnimationDelayed(View, Runnable, long) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Causes the Runnable to execute on the next animation time step, after the specified amount of time elapses.
postOnAnimationDelayed(View, Runnable, long) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompatJB
PRIORITY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat
Default notification priority for NotificationCompat.Builder.setPriority(int).
PRIORITY_HIGH - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat
Higher notification priority for NotificationCompat.Builder.setPriority(int), for more important notifications or alerts.
PRIORITY_LOW - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat
Lower notification priority for NotificationCompat.Builder.setPriority(int), for items that are less important.
PRIORITY_MAX - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat
Highest notification priority for NotificationCompat.Builder.setPriority(int), for your application's most important items that require the user's prompt attention or input.
PRIORITY_MIN - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat
Lowest notification priority for NotificationCompat.Builder.setPriority(int); these items might not be shown to the user except under special circumstances, such as detailed notification logs.
processTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Process a touch event received by the parent view.
put(long, E) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
Adds a mapping from the specified key to the specified value, replacing the previous mapping from the specified key if there was one.
put(K, V) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LruCache
Caches value for key.
put(int, E) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat
Adds a mapping from the specified key to the specified value, replacing the previous mapping from the specified key if there was one.
putCount() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LruCache
Returns the number of times LruCache.put(K, V) was called.
putFragment(Bundle, String, Fragment) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Put a reference to a fragment in a Bundle.


query(Uri, String[], String, String[], String) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.FileProvider


readFully() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.AtomicFile
A convenience for AtomicFile.openRead() that also reads all of the file contents into a byte array which is returned.
recycle() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Return an instance back to be reused.
recycle() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Return an instance back to be reused.
registerDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Register an observer to receive callbacks related to the adapter's data changing.
registerForContextMenu(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Registers a context menu to be shown for the given view (multiple views can show the context menu).
registerListener(int, Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener<D>) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Registers a class that will receive callbacks when a load is complete.
registerReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, IntentFilter) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.LocalBroadcastManager
Register a receive for any local broadcasts that match the given IntentFilter.
RELATIVE_HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.GravityCompat
Binary mask for the horizontal gravity and script specific direction bit.
RELATIVE_LAYOUT_DIRECTION - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.GravityCompat
Raw bit controlling whether the layout direction is relative or not (START/END instead of absolute LEFT/RIGHT).
remove(Fragment) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Remove an existing fragment.
remove(long) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
Alias for LongSparseArray.delete(long).
remove(K) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LruCache
Removes the entry for key if it exists.
remove(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat
Alias for SparseArrayCompat.delete(int).
removeAccessibilityStateChangeListener(AccessibilityManager, AccessibilityManagerCompat.AccessibilityStateChangeListenerCompat) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerCompat
Unregisters an AccessibilityManager.AccessibilityStateChangeListener.
removeAt(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
Removes the mapping at the specified index.
removeAt(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat
Removes the mapping at the specified index.
removeAtRange(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat
Remove a range of mappings as a batch.
removeOnBackStackChangedListener(FragmentManager.OnBackStackChangedListener) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Remove a listener that was previously added with FragmentManager.addOnBackStackChangedListener(OnBackStackChangedListener).
removeView(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
replace(int, Fragment) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Calls FragmentTransaction.replace(int, Fragment, String) with a null tag.
replace(int, Fragment, String) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Replace an existing fragment that was added to a container.
requestChildFocus(View, View) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
requestLayout() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTitleStrip
requestLayout() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
reset() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Resets the state of the Loader.
ResourceCursorAdapter - Class in android.support.v4.widget
Static library support version of the framework's ResourceCursorAdapter.
ResourceCursorAdapter(Context, int, Cursor) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.ResourceCursorAdapter
Deprecated. This option is discouraged, as it results in Cursor queries being performed on the application's UI thread and thus can cause poor responsiveness or even Application Not Responding errors. As an alternative, use LoaderManager with a CursorLoader.
ResourceCursorAdapter(Context, int, Cursor, boolean) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.ResourceCursorAdapter
Constructor with default behavior as per CursorAdapter.CursorAdapter(Context, Cursor, boolean); it is recommended you not use this, but instead ResourceCursorAdapter.ResourceCursorAdapter(Context, int, Cursor, int).
ResourceCursorAdapter(Context, int, Cursor, int) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.ResourceCursorAdapter
Standard constructor.
restartLoader(int, Bundle, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<D>) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager
Starts a new or restarts an existing Loader in this manager, registers the callbacks to it, and (if the activity/fragment is currently started) starts loading it.
restoreState(Parcelable, ClassLoader) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentPagerAdapter
restoreState(Parcelable, ClassLoader) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentStatePagerAdapter
restoreState(Parcelable, ClassLoader) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Restore any instance state associated with this adapter and its pages that was previously saved by PagerAdapter.saveState().
runQueryOnBackgroundThread(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
Runs a query with the specified constraint.


saveFragmentInstanceState(Fragment) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager
Save the current instance state of the given Fragment.
saveState() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentPagerAdapter
saveState() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentStatePagerAdapter
saveState() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Save any instance state associated with this adapter and its pages that should be restored if the current UI state needs to be reconstructed.
SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Indicates that the pager is currently being dragged by the user.
SCROLL_STATE_IDLE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Indicates that the pager is in an idle, settled state.
SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Indicates that the pager is in the process of settling to a final position.
ScrollerCompat - Class in android.support.v4.widget
Provides access to new Scroller APIs when available.
SearchViewCompat - Class in android.support.v4.widget
Helper for accessing features in SearchView introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
SearchViewCompat.OnCloseListenerCompat - Class in android.support.v4.widget
Callback for closing the query UI.
SearchViewCompat.OnCloseListenerCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat.OnCloseListenerCompat
SearchViewCompat.OnQueryTextListenerCompat - Class in android.support.v4.widget
Callbacks for changes to the query text.
SearchViewCompat.OnQueryTextListenerCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat.OnQueryTextListenerCompat
sendAccessibilityEvent(View, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat
Sends an accessibility event of the given type.
sendAccessibilityEventUnchecked(View, AccessibilityEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat
Sends an accessibility event.
sendBroadcast(Intent) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.LocalBroadcastManager
Broadcast the given intent to all interested BroadcastReceivers.
sendBroadcastSync(Intent) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.LocalBroadcastManager
Like LocalBroadcastManager.sendBroadcast(Intent), but if there are any receivers for the Intent this function will block and immediately dispatch them before returning.
ServiceCompat - Class in android.support.v4.app
Helper for accessing features in Service introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
setAccessibilityDelegate(View, AccessibilityDelegateCompat) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Sets a delegate for implementing accessibility support via compositon as opposed to inheritance.
setAccessibilityFocused(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets whether this node is accessibility focused.
setActionBarDescription(Object, Activity, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.ActionBarSherlockDrawerToggleImpl
setActionBarUpIndicator(Object, Activity, Drawable, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.ActionBarSherlockDrawerToggleImpl
setActionView(MenuItem, View) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.MenuItemCompat
Set an action view for this menu item.
setAdapter(PagerAdapter) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Set a PagerAdapter that will supply views for this pager as needed.
setAddedCount(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets the number of added characters.
setArguments(Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Supply the construction arguments for this fragment.
setAutoCancel(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Setting this flag will make it so the notification is automatically canceled when the user clicks it in the panel.
setBackgroundColor(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTabStrip
setBackgroundDrawable(Drawable) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTabStrip
setBackgroundResource(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTabStrip
setBeforeText(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets the text before a change.
setBigContentTitle(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle
Overrides ContentTitle in the big form of the template.
setBigContentTitle(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle
Overrides ContentTitle in the big form of the template.
setBigContentTitle(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.InboxStyle
Overrides ContentTitle in the big form of the template.
setBoundsInParent(Rect) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets the node bounds in parent coordinates.
setBoundsInScreen(Rect) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets the node bounds in screen coordinates.
setBreadCrumbShortTitle(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Set the short title to show as a bread crumb when this transaction is on the back stack.
setBreadCrumbShortTitle(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Like FragmentTransaction.setBreadCrumbShortTitle(int) but taking a raw string; this method is not recommended, as the string can not be changed later if the locale changes.
setBreadCrumbTitle(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Set the full title to show as a bread crumb when this transaction is on the back stack.
setBreadCrumbTitle(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Like FragmentTransaction.setBreadCrumbTitle(int) but taking a raw string; this method is not recommended, as the string can not be changed later if the locale changes.
setBuilder(NotificationCompat.Builder) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Style
setCancelable(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
Control whether the shown Dialog is cancelable.
setCheckable(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets whether this node is checkable.
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets whether this node is checked.
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets if the source is checked.
setChooserTitle(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Set the title that will be used for the activity chooser for this share.
setChooserTitle(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Set the title that will be used for the activity chooser for this share.
setClassName(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets the class this node comes from.
setClassName(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets the class name of the source.
setClickable(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets whether this node is clickable.
setContent(RemoteViews) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Supply a custom RemoteViews to use instead of the standard one.
setContentDescription(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets the content description of this node.
setContentDescription(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets the description of the source.
setContentInfo(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set the large text at the right-hand side of the notification.
setContentIntent(PendingIntent) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Supply a PendingIntent to send when the notification is clicked.
setContentText(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set the text (second row) of the notification, in a standard notification.
setContentTitle(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set the title (first row) of the notification, in a standard notification.
setCoveredFadeColor(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
Set the color used to fade the pane covered by the sliding pane out when the pane will become fully covered in the closed state.
setCurrentItem(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Set the currently selected page.
setCurrentItem(int, boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Set the currently selected page.
setCurrentItemIndex(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets the index of the source in the list of items that can be visited.
setCursorToStringConverter(SimpleCursorAdapter.CursorToStringConverter) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
Sets the converter used to convert the filtering Cursor into a String.
setCustomAnimations(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Set specific animation resources to run for the fragments that are entering and exiting in this transaction.
setCustomAnimations(int, int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Set specific animation resources to run for the fragments that are entering and exiting in this transaction.
setDefaults(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set the default notification options that will be used.
setDeleteIntent(PendingIntent) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Supply a PendingIntent to send when the notification is cleared by the user directly from the notification panel.
setDrawerIndicatorEnabled(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ActionBarDrawerToggle
Enable or disable the drawer indicator.
setDrawerListener(DrawerLayout.DrawerListener) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Set a listener to be notified of drawer events.
setDrawerLockMode(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Enable or disable interaction with all drawers.
setDrawerLockMode(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Enable or disable interaction with the given drawer.
setDrawerLockMode(int, View) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Enable or disable interaction with the given drawer.
setDrawerShadow(Drawable, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Set a simple drawable used for the left or right shadow.
setDrawerShadow(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Set a simple drawable used for the left or right shadow.
setDrawFullUnderline(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTabStrip
Set whether this tab strip should draw a full-width underline in the current tab indicator color.
setDropDownViewResource(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ResourceCursorAdapter
Sets the layout resource of the drop down views.
setEdgeTrackingEnabled(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Enable edge tracking for the selected edges of the parent view.
setEmailBcc(String[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Set an array of email addresses to BCC on this share.
setEmailCc(String[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Set an array of email addresses to CC on this share.
setEmailTo(String[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Set an array of email addresses as recipients of this share.
setEmptyText(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ListFragment
The default content for a ListFragment has a TextView that can be shown when the list is empty.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets whether this node is enabled.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets if the source is enabled.
setFilterQueryProvider(FilterQueryProvider) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
Sets the query filter provider used to filter the current Cursor.
setFocusable(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets whether this node is focusable.
setFocused(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets whether this node is focused.
setFromIndex(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets the index of the first character of the changed sequence or the beginning of a text selection or the index of the first visible item when scrolling.
setFullScreen(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets if the source is taking the entire screen.
setFullScreenIntent(PendingIntent, boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
An intent to launch instead of posting the notification to the status bar.
setGravity(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTitleStrip
Set the Gravity used to position text within the title strip.
setHasOptionsMenu(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Report that this fragment would like to participate in populating the options menu by receiving a call to Fragment.onCreateOptionsMenu(android.view.Menu, android.view.MenuInflater) and related methods.
setHasTransientState(View, boolean) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Set whether this view is currently tracking transient state that the framework should attempt to preserve when possible.
setHasTransientState(View, boolean) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompatJB
setHtmlText(String) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Set an HTML string to be sent as part of the share.
setIconified(View, boolean) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat
Iconifies or expands the SearchView.
setImeOptions(View, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat
Sets the IME options on the query text field.
setImportantForAccessibility(View, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Sets how to determine whether this view is important for accessibility which is if it fires accessibility events and if it is reported to accessibility services that query the screen.
setImportantForAccessibility(View, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompatJB
setInitialSavedState(Fragment.SavedState) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Set the initial saved state that this Fragment should restore itself from when first being constructed, as returned by FragmentManager.saveFragmentInstanceState.
setInputType(View, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat
Sets the input type on the query text field.
setIsLongpressEnabled(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.GestureDetectorCompat
Set whether longpress is enabled, if this is enabled when a user presses and holds down you get a longpress event and nothing further.
setItemCount(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets the number of items that can be visited.
setLabelFor(View, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Sets the id of a view for which a given view serves as a label for accessibility purposes.
setLargeIcon(Bitmap) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set the large icon that is shown in the ticker and notification.
setLayerPaint(View, Paint) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Updates the Paint object used with the current layer (used only if the current layer type is not set to ViewCompat.LAYER_TYPE_NONE).
setLayerType(View, int, Paint) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Specifies the type of layer backing this view.
setLayoutDirection(View, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Set the layout direction for this view.
setLights(int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set the argb value that you would like the LED on the device to blnk, as well as the rate.
setListAdapter(ListAdapter) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ListFragment
Provide the cursor for the list view.
setListShown(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ListFragment
Control whether the list is being displayed.
setListShownNoAnimation(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ListFragment
Like ListFragment.setListShown(boolean), but no animation is used when transitioning from the previous state.
setLongClickable(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets whether this node is long clickable.
setMaxScrollX(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets the max scroll offset of the source left edge in pixels.
setMaxScrollY(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets the max scroll offset of the source top edge in pixels.
setMaxWidth(View, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat
Makes the view at most this many pixels wide
setMenuVisibility(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Set a hint for whether this fragment's menu should be visible.
setMinVelocity(float) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Set the minimum velocity that will be detected as having a magnitude greater than zero in pixels per second.
setMotionEventSplittingEnabled(ViewGroup, boolean) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewGroupCompat
Enable or disable the splitting of MotionEvents to multiple children during touch event dispatch.
setMovementGranularities(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets the movement granularities for traversing the text of this node.
setNonPrimaryAlpha(float) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTitleStrip
Set the alpha value used for non-primary page titles.
setNumber(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set the large number at the right-hand side of the notification.
setOffscreenPageLimit(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Set the number of pages that should be retained to either side of the current page in the view hierarchy in an idle state.
setOnCloseListener(View, SearchViewCompat.OnCloseListenerCompat) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat
Sets a listener to inform when the user closes the SearchView.
setOnDoubleTapListener(GestureDetector.OnDoubleTapListener) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.GestureDetectorCompat
Sets the listener which will be called for double-tap and related gestures.
setOngoing(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set whether this is an ongoing notification.
setOnlyAlertOnce(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set this flag if you would only like the sound, vibrate and ticker to be played if the notification is not already showing.
setOnPageChangeListener(ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Set a listener that will be invoked whenever the page changes or is incrementally scrolled.
setOnQueryTextListener(View, SearchViewCompat.OnQueryTextListenerCompat) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat
Sets a listener for user actions within the SearchView.
setOnTabChangedListener(TabHost.OnTabChangeListener) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTabHost
setOverScrollMode(View, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
Set the over-scroll mode for this view.
setPackageName(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets the package this node comes from.
setPadding(int, int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTabStrip
setPageMargin(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Set the margin between pages.
setPageMarginDrawable(Drawable) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Set a drawable that will be used to fill the margin between pages.
setPageMarginDrawable(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Set a drawable that will be used to fill the margin between pages.
setPageTransformer(boolean, ViewPager.PageTransformer) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
Set a ViewPager.PageTransformer that will be called for each attached page whenever the scroll position is changed.
setPanelSlideListener(SlidingPaneLayout.PanelSlideListener) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
setParallaxDistance(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
Set a distance to parallax the lower pane by when the upper pane is in its fully closed state.
setParcelableData(Parcelable) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets the Parcelable data of the event.
setParent(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets the parent.
setParent(View, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets the parent to be a virtual descendant of the given root.
setPassword(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets whether this node is a password.
setPassword(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets if the source is a password field.
setPrimaryItem(ViewGroup, int, Object) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentPagerAdapter
setPrimaryItem(ViewGroup, int, Object) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentStatePagerAdapter
setPrimaryItem(ViewGroup, int, Object) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Called to inform the adapter of which item is currently considered to be the "primary", that is the one show to the user as the current page.
setPrimaryItem(View, int, Object) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Deprecated. Use PagerAdapter.setPrimaryItem(ViewGroup, int, Object)
setPriority(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set the relative priority for this notification.
setProgress(int, int, boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set the progress this notification represents, which may be represented as a ProgressBar.
setProjection(String[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
setQuery(View, CharSequence, boolean) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat
Sets a query string in the text field and optionally submits the query as well.
setQueryHint(View, CharSequence) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat
Sets the hint text to display in the query text field.
setQueryRefinementEnabled(View, boolean) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat
Specifies if a query refinement button should be displayed alongside each suggestion or if it should depend on the flags set in the individual items retrieved from the suggestions provider.
setRemovedCount(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets the number of removed characters.
setRetainInstance(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Control whether a fragment instance is retained across Activity re-creation (such as from a configuration change).
setScrimColor(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Set a color to use for the scrim that obscures primary content while a drawer is open.
setScrollable(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets if the node is scrollable.
setScrollable(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets if the source is scrollable.
setScrollX(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets the scroll offset of the source left edge in pixels.
setScrollY(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets the scroll offset of the source top edge in pixels.
setSearchableInfo(View, ComponentName) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat
Sets the SearchableInfo for this SearchView.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets whether this node is selected.
setSelection(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ListFragment
Set the currently selected list item to the specified position with the adapter's data
setSelection(String) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
setSelectionArgs(String[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
setShadowDrawable(Drawable) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
Set a drawable to use as a shadow cast by the right pane onto the left pane during opening/closing.
setShadowResource(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
Set a drawable to use as a shadow cast by the right pane onto the left pane during opening/closing.
setShowAsAction(MenuItem, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.MenuCompat
Deprecated. Use MenuItemCompat.setShowAsAction(MenuItem, int)
setShowAsAction(MenuItem, int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.MenuItemCompat
Call MenuItem.setShowAsAction().
setShowsDialog(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
Controls whether this fragment should be shown in a dialog.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.EdgeEffectCompat
Set the size of this edge effect in pixels.
setSliderFadeColor(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
Set the color used to fade the sliding pane out when it is slid most of the way offscreen.
setSmallIcon(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set the small icon to use in the notification layouts.
setSmallIcon(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
A variant of setSmallIcon(int) that takes an additional level parameter for when the icon is a LevelListDrawable.
setSortOrder(String) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
setSound(Uri) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set the sound to play.
setSound(Uri, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set the sound to play.
setSource(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets the source.
setSource(View, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets the source to be a virtual descendant of the given root.
setSource(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets the event source.
setSource(View, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets the source to be a virtual descendant of the given root.
setStream(Uri) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Set a stream URI to the data that should be shared.
setStringConversionColumn(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
Defines the index of the column in the Cursor used to get a String representation of that Cursor.
setStyle(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
Call to customize the basic appearance and behavior of the fragment's dialog.
setStyle(NotificationCompat.Style) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Add a rich notification style to be applied at build time.
setSubject(String) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Set a subject heading for this share; useful for sharing via email.
setSubmitButtonEnabled(View, boolean) - Static method in class android.support.v4.widget.SearchViewCompat
Enables showing a submit button when the query is non-empty.
setSubText(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set the third line of text in the platform notification template.
setSummaryText(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle
Set the first line of text after the detail section in the big form of the template.
setSummaryText(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle
Set the first line of text after the detail section in the big form of the template.
setSummaryText(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.InboxStyle
Set the first line of text after the detail section in the big form of the template.
setTabIndicatorColor(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTabStrip
Set the color of the tab indicator bar.
setTabIndicatorColorResource(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTabStrip
Set the color of the tab indicator bar from a color resource.
setTargetFragment(Fragment, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Optional target for this fragment.
setText(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Set the literal text data to be sent as part of the share.
setText(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets the text of this node.
setTextColor(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTitleStrip
Set the color value used as the base color for all displayed page titles.
setTextSize(int, float) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTitleStrip
Set the default text size to a given unit and value.
setTextSpacing(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTabStrip
setTextSpacing(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerTitleStrip
Set the required spacing between title segments.
setThreadStatsTag(int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.net.TrafficStatsCompat
Set active tag to use when accounting Socket traffic originating from the current thread.
setThreadStatsTag(int) - Static method in class android.support.v4.net.TrafficStatsCompatIcs
setTicker(CharSequence) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set the text that is displayed in the status bar when the notification first arrives.
setTicker(CharSequence, RemoteViews) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set the text that is displayed in the status bar when the notification first arrives, and also a RemoteViews object that may be displayed instead on some devices.
settleCapturedViewAt(int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Settle the captured view at the given (left, top) position.
setToIndex(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityRecordCompat
Sets the index of text selection end or the index of the last visible item when scrolling.
setTransition(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Select a standard transition animation for this transaction.
setTransitionStyle(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Set a custom style resource that will be used for resolving transit animations.
setType(String) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Set the type of data being shared
setup() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTabHost
Deprecated. Don't call the original TabHost setup, you must instead call FragmentTabHost.setup(Context, FragmentManager) or FragmentTabHost.setup(Context, FragmentManager, int).
setup(Context, FragmentManager) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTabHost
setup(Context, FragmentManager, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTabHost
setUpdateThrottle(long) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.AsyncTaskLoader
Set amount to throttle updates by.
setUri(Uri) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader
setUserVisibleHint(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Set a hint to the system about whether this fragment's UI is currently visible to the user.
setUsesChronometer(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Show the Notification.when field as a stopwatch.
setValueAt(int, E) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
Given an index in the range 0...size()-1, sets a new value for the indexth key-value mapping that this LongSparseArray stores.
setValueAt(int, E) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat
Given an index in the range 0...size()-1, sets a new value for the indexth key-value mapping that this SparseArray stores.
setVibrate(long[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set the vibration pattern to use.
setViewBinder(SimpleCursorAdapter.ViewBinder) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
Sets the binder used to bind data to views.
setViewImage(ImageView, String) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
Called by bindView() to set the image for an ImageView but only if there is no existing ViewBinder or if the existing ViewBinder cannot handle binding to an ImageView.
setViewResource(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ResourceCursorAdapter
Sets the layout resource of the item views.
setViewText(TextView, String) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
Called by bindView() to set the text for a TextView but only if there is no existing ViewBinder or if the existing ViewBinder cannot handle binding to an TextView.
setViewValue(View, Cursor, int) - Method in interface android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter.ViewBinder
Binds the Cursor column defined by the specified index to the specified view.
setVisibleToUser(boolean) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat
Sets whether this node is visible to the user.
setWhen(long) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder
Set the time that the event occurred.
ShareCompat - Class in android.support.v4.app
Extra helper functionality for sharing data between activities.
ShareCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat
ShareCompat.IntentBuilder - Class in android.support.v4.app
IntentBuilder is a helper for constructing Intent.ACTION_SEND and Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE sharing intents and starting activities to share content.
ShareCompat.IntentReader - Class in android.support.v4.app
IntentReader is a helper for reading the data contained within a sharing (ACTION_SEND) Intent.
shouldInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Check if this event as provided to the parent view's onInterceptTouchEvent should cause the parent to intercept the touch event stream.
shouldUpRecreateTask(Activity, Intent) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.NavUtils
Returns true if sourceActivity should recreate the task when navigating 'up' by using targetIntent.
show(FragmentManager, String) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
Display the dialog, adding the fragment to the given FragmentManager.
show(FragmentTransaction, String) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
Display the dialog, adding the fragment using an existing transaction and then committing the transaction.
show(Fragment) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Shows a previously hidden fragment.
SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.MenuItemCompat
Always show this item as a button in an Action Bar.
SHOW_AS_ACTION_COLLAPSE_ACTION_VIEW - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.MenuItemCompat
This item's action view collapses to a normal menu item.
SHOW_AS_ACTION_IF_ROOM - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.MenuItemCompat
Show this item as a button in an Action Bar if the system decides there is room for it.
SHOW_AS_ACTION_NEVER - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.MenuItemCompat
Never show this item as a button in an Action Bar.
SHOW_AS_ACTION_WITH_TEXT - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.MenuItemCompat
When this item is in the action bar, always show it with a text label even if it also has an icon specified.
SimpleCursorAdapter - Class in android.support.v4.widget
Static library support version of the framework's SimpleCursorAdapter.
SimpleCursorAdapter(Context, int, Cursor, String[], int[]) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
Deprecated. This option is discouraged, as it results in Cursor queries being performed on the application's UI thread and thus can cause poor responsiveness or even Application Not Responding errors. As an alternative, use LoaderManager with a CursorLoader.
SimpleCursorAdapter(Context, int, Cursor, String[], int[], int) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
Standard constructor.
SimpleCursorAdapter.CursorToStringConverter - Interface in android.support.v4.widget
This class can be used by external clients of SimpleCursorAdapter to define how the Cursor should be converted to a String.
SimpleCursorAdapter.ViewBinder - Interface in android.support.v4.widget
This class can be used by external clients of SimpleCursorAdapter to bind values fom the Cursor to views.
size() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
Returns the number of key-value mappings that this LongSparseArray currently stores.
size() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LruCache
For caches that do not override LruCache.sizeOf(K, V), this returns the number of entries in the cache.
size() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat
Returns the number of key-value mappings that this SparseArray currently stores.
sizeOf(K, V) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LruCache
Returns the size of the entry for key and value in user-defined units.
SlidingPaneLayout - Class in android.support.v4.widget
SlidingPaneLayout provides a horizontal, multi-pane layout for use at the top level of a UI.
SlidingPaneLayout(Context) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
SlidingPaneLayout(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
SlidingPaneLayout(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
SlidingPaneLayout.LayoutParams - Class in android.support.v4.widget
SlidingPaneLayout.LayoutParams() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout.LayoutParams
SlidingPaneLayout.LayoutParams(int, int) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout.LayoutParams
SlidingPaneLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout.LayoutParams
SlidingPaneLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout.LayoutParams
SlidingPaneLayout.LayoutParams(SlidingPaneLayout.LayoutParams) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout.LayoutParams
SlidingPaneLayout.LayoutParams(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout.LayoutParams
SlidingPaneLayout.PanelSlideListener - Interface in android.support.v4.widget
Listener for monitoring events about sliding panes.
SlidingPaneLayout.SimplePanelSlideListener - Class in android.support.v4.widget
No-op stubs for SlidingPaneLayout.PanelSlideListener.
SlidingPaneLayout.SimplePanelSlideListener() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout.SimplePanelSlideListener
smoothSlideClosed() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
Deprecated. Renamed to SlidingPaneLayout.closePane() - this method is going away soon!
smoothSlideOpen() - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout
Deprecated. Renamed to SlidingPaneLayout.openPane() - this method is going away soon!
smoothSlideViewTo(View, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
Animate the view child to the given (left, top) position.
snapshot() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LruCache
Returns a copy of the current contents of the cache, ordered from least recently accessed to most recently accessed.
SparseArrayCompat<E> - Class in android.support.v4.util
A copy of Honeycomb's SparseArray, that provides a removeAt() method.
SparseArrayCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat
Creates a new SparseArray containing no mappings.
SparseArrayCompat(int) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat
Creates a new SparseArray containing no mappings that will not require any additional memory allocation to store the specified number of mappings.
START - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.GravityCompat
Push object to x-axis position at the start of its container, not changing its size.
START_STICKY - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.ServiceCompat
Constant to return from Service.onStartCommand(android.content.Intent, int, int): if this service's process is killed while it is started (after returning from Service.onStartCommand(android.content.Intent, int, int)), then leave it in the started state but don't retain this delivered intent.
startActivities() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder
Start the task stack constructed by this builder.
startActivities(Bundle) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder
Start the task stack constructed by this builder.
startActivities(Context, Intent[]) - Static method in class android.support.v4.content.ContextCompat
Start a set of activities as a synthesized task stack, if able.
startActivities(Context, Intent[], Bundle) - Static method in class android.support.v4.content.ContextCompat
Start a set of activities as a synthesized task stack, if able.
startActivity(Activity, Intent, Bundle) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.ActivityCompat
Start an activity with additional launch information, if able.
startActivity(Intent) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Call Activity.startActivity(Intent) on the fragment's containing Activity.
startActivityForResult(Activity, Intent, int, Bundle) - Static method in class android.support.v4.app.ActivityCompat
Start new activity with options, if able, for which you would like a result when it finished.
startActivityForResult(Intent, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Call Activity.startActivityForResult(Intent, int) on the fragment's containing Activity.
startActivityForResult(Intent, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Modifies the standard behavior to allow results to be delivered to fragments.
startActivityFromFragment(Fragment, Intent, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Called by Fragment.startActivityForResult() to implement its behavior.
startChooser() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
Start a chooser activity for the current share intent.
startLoading() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Starts an asynchronous load of the Loader's data.
startScroll(int, int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ScrollerCompat
Start scrolling by providing a starting point and the distance to travel.
startScroll(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ScrollerCompat
Start scrolling by providing a starting point and the distance to travel.
startTracking(KeyEvent) - Static method in class android.support.v4.view.KeyEventCompat
startUpdate(ViewGroup) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentPagerAdapter
startUpdate(ViewGroup) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentStatePagerAdapter
startUpdate(ViewGroup) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Called when a change in the shown pages is going to start being made.
startUpdate(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Deprecated. Use PagerAdapter.startUpdate(ViewGroup)
startWrite() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.AtomicFile
Start a new write operation on the file.
STATE_DRAGGING - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Indicates that a drawer is currently being dragged by the user.
STATE_DRAGGING - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
A view is currently being dragged.
STATE_IDLE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Indicates that any drawers are in an idle, settled state.
STATE_IDLE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
A view is not currently being dragged or animating as a result of a fling/snap.
STATE_SETTLING - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout
Indicates that a drawer is in the process of settling to a final position.
STATE_SETTLING - Static variable in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper
A view is currently settling into place as a result of a fling or predefined non-interactive motion.
stopLoading() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Stops delivery of updates until the next time Loader.startLoading() is called.
STYLE_NO_FRAME - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
Style for DialogFragment.setStyle(int, int): don't draw any frame at all; the view hierarchy returned by Fragment.onCreateView(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup, android.os.Bundle) is entirely responsible for drawing the dialog.
STYLE_NO_INPUT - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
Style for DialogFragment.setStyle(int, int): like DialogFragment.STYLE_NO_FRAME, but also disables all input to the dialog.
STYLE_NO_TITLE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
Style for DialogFragment.setStyle(int, int): don't include a title area.
STYLE_NORMAL - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment
Style for DialogFragment.setStyle(int, int): a basic, normal dialog.
supportInvalidateOptionsMenu() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
Invalidate the activity's options menu.
swapCursor(Cursor) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.CursorAdapter
Swap in a new Cursor, returning the old Cursor.
swapCursor(Cursor) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter
syncState() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ActionBarDrawerToggle
Synchronize the state of the drawer indicator/affordance with the linked DrawerLayout.


tagSocket(Socket) - Static method in class android.support.v4.net.TrafficStatsCompat
Tag the given Socket with any statistics parameters active for the current thread.
tagSocket(Socket) - Static method in class android.support.v4.net.TrafficStatsCompatIcs
takeContentChanged() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Take the current flag indicating whether the loader's content had changed while it was stopped.
TaskStackBuilder - Class in android.support.v4.app
Utility class for constructing synthetic back stacks for cross-task navigation on Android 3.0 and newer.
TaskStackBuilderHoneycomb - Class in android.support.v4.app
Implementation of TaskStackBuilder that can call Honeycomb APIs.
TaskStackBuilderHoneycomb() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilderHoneycomb
TimeUtils - Class in android.support.v4.util
Helper for accessing features in TimeUtils introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
TimeUtils() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.util.TimeUtils
title - Variable in class android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Action
toBundle() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ActivityOptionsCompat
Returns the created options as a Bundle, which can be passed to ActivityCompat.startActivity(android.app.Activity, android.content.Intent, android.os.Bundle).
toString() - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
toString() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
toString() - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LruCache
toString() - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager.SavedState
TrafficStatsCompat - Class in android.support.v4.net
Helper for accessing features in TrafficStats introduced after API level 14 in a backwards compatible fashion.
TrafficStatsCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.net.TrafficStatsCompat
TrafficStatsCompatIcs - Class in android.support.v4.net
Implementation of TrafficStatsCompat that can call ICS APIs.
TrafficStatsCompatIcs() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.net.TrafficStatsCompatIcs
transformPage(View, float) - Method in interface android.support.v4.view.ViewPager.PageTransformer
Apply a property transformation to the given page.
TRANSIT_ENTER_MASK - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Bit mask that is set for all enter transitions.
TRANSIT_EXIT_MASK - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Bit mask that is set for all exit transitions.
TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_CLOSE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Fragment is being removed from the stack
TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_FADE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Fragment should simply fade in or out; that is, no strong navigation associated with it except that it is appearing or disappearing for some reason.
TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_OPEN - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Fragment is being added onto the stack
TRANSIT_NONE - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
No animation for transition.
TRANSIT_UNSET - Static variable in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction
Not set up for a transition.
trimToSize(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LruCache
Remove the eldest entries until the total of remaining entries is at or below the requested size.
tryCaptureView(View, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper.Callback
Called when the user's input indicates that they want to capture the given child view with the pointer indicated by pointerId.
TYPE_ANNOUNCEMENT - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Represents the event of an application making an announcement.
TYPE_GESTURE_DETECTION_END - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Represents the event of ending gesture detection.
TYPE_GESTURE_DETECTION_START - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Represents the event of beginning gesture detection.
TYPE_TOUCH_EXPLORATION_GESTURE_END - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Represents the event of ending a touch exploration gesture.
TYPE_TOUCH_EXPLORATION_GESTURE_START - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Represents the event of starting a touch exploration gesture.
TYPE_TOUCH_INTERACTION_END - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Represents the event of the user ending to touch the screen.
TYPE_TOUCH_INTERACTION_START - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Represents the event of the user starting to touch the screen.
TYPE_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS_CLEARED - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Represents the event of clearing accessibility focus.
TYPE_VIEW_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Represents the event of gaining accessibility focus.
TYPE_VIEW_HOVER_ENTER - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Represents the event of a hover enter over a View.
TYPE_VIEW_HOVER_EXIT - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Represents the event of a hover exit over a View.
TYPE_VIEW_SCROLLED - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Represents the event of scrolling a view.
TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Represents the event of changing the selection in an EditText.
TYPE_VIEW_TEXT_TRAVERSED_AT_MOVEMENT_GRANULARITY - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Represents the event of traversing the text of a view at a given movement granularity.
TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Represents the event of changing the content of a window.
TYPES_ALL_MASK - Static variable in class android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat
Mask for AccessibilityEvent all types.


unregisterDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.PagerAdapter
Unregister an observer from callbacks related to the adapter's data changing.
unregisterForContextMenu(View) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment
Prevents a context menu to be shown for the given view.
unregisterListener(Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener<D>) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.Loader
Remove a listener that was previously added with Loader.registerListener(int, android.support.v4.content.Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener).
unregisterReceiver(BroadcastReceiver) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.LocalBroadcastManager
Unregister a previously registered BroadcastReceiver.
untagSocket(Socket) - Static method in class android.support.v4.net.TrafficStatsCompat
Remove any statistics parameters from the given Socket.
untagSocket(Socket) - Static method in class android.support.v4.net.TrafficStatsCompatIcs
update(ActivityOptionsCompat) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.ActivityOptionsCompat
Update the current values in this ActivityOptions from those supplied in otherOptions.
update(Uri, ContentValues, String, String[]) - Method in class android.support.v4.content.FileProvider


valueAt(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray
Given an index in the range 0...size()-1, returns the value from the indexth key-value mapping that this LongSparseArray stores.
valueAt(int) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.SparseArrayCompat
Given an index in the range 0...size()-1, returns the value from the indexth key-value mapping that this SparseArray stores.
VelocityTrackerCompat - Class in android.support.v4.view
Helper for accessing features in VelocityTracker introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
VelocityTrackerCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.VelocityTrackerCompat
verifyDrawable(Drawable) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
ViewCompat - Class in android.support.v4.view
Helper for accessing features in View introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
ViewCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat
ViewCompatJB - Class in android.support.v4.view
Jellybean-specific View API access
ViewCompatJB() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.ViewCompatJB
ViewConfigurationCompat - Class in android.support.v4.view
Helper for accessing features in ViewConfiguration introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
ViewConfigurationCompat() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.ViewConfigurationCompat
ViewDragHelper - Class in android.support.v4.widget
ViewDragHelper is a utility class for writing custom ViewGroups.
ViewDragHelper.Callback - Class in android.support.v4.widget
A Callback is used as a communication channel with the ViewDragHelper back to the parent view using it.
ViewDragHelper.Callback() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.widget.ViewDragHelper.Callback
ViewGroupCompat - Class in android.support.v4.view
Helper for accessing features in ViewGroup introduced after API level 4 in a backwards compatible fashion.
ViewPager - Class in android.support.v4.view
Layout manager that allows the user to flip left and right through pages of data.
ViewPager(Context) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
ViewPager(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager
ViewPager.LayoutParams - Class in android.support.v4.view
Layout parameters that should be supplied for views added to a ViewPager.
ViewPager.LayoutParams() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager.LayoutParams
ViewPager.LayoutParams(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager.LayoutParams
ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener - Interface in android.support.v4.view
Callback interface for responding to changing state of the selected page.
ViewPager.PageTransformer - Interface in android.support.v4.view
A PageTransformer is invoked whenever a visible/attached page is scrolled.
ViewPager.SavedState - Class in android.support.v4.view
This is the persistent state that is saved by ViewPager.
ViewPager.SavedState(Parcelable) - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager.SavedState
ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener - Class in android.support.v4.view
Simple implementation of the ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener interface with stub implementations of each method.
ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener() - Constructor for class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener


waitForLoader() - Method in class android.support.v4.content.AsyncTaskLoader
Locks the current thread until the loader completes the current load operation.
weight - Variable in class android.support.v4.widget.SlidingPaneLayout.LayoutParams
The weighted proportion of how much of the leftover space this child should consume after measurement.
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.util.LogWriter
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.app.Fragment.SavedState
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.view.ViewPager.SavedState
writeToParcel(Parcel, int) - Method in class android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout.SavedState


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