Interface LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<D>

Enclosing class:

public static interface LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks<D>

Callback interface for a client to interact with the manager.

Method Summary
 Loader<D> onCreateLoader(int id, android.os.Bundle args)
          Instantiate and return a new Loader for the given ID.
 void onLoaderReset(Loader<D> loader)
          Called when a previously created loader is being reset, and thus making its data unavailable.
 void onLoadFinished(Loader<D> loader, D data)
          Called when a previously created loader has finished its load.

Method Detail


Loader<D> onCreateLoader(int id,
                         android.os.Bundle args)
Instantiate and return a new Loader for the given ID.

id - The ID whose loader is to be created.
args - Any arguments supplied by the caller.
Return a new Loader instance that is ready to start loading.


void onLoadFinished(Loader<D> loader,
                    D data)
Called when a previously created loader has finished its load. Note that normally an application is not allowed to commit fragment transactions while in this call, since it can happen after an activity's state is saved. See FragmentManager.openTransaction() for further discussion on this.

This function is guaranteed to be called prior to the release of the last data that was supplied for this Loader. At this point you should remove all use of the old data (since it will be released soon), but should not do your own release of the data since its Loader owns it and will take care of that. The Loader will take care of management of its data so you don't have to. In particular:

loader - The Loader that has finished.
data - The data generated by the Loader.


void onLoaderReset(Loader<D> loader)
Called when a previously created loader is being reset, and thus making its data unavailable. The application should at this point remove any references it has to the Loader's data.

loader - The Loader that is being reset.

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