Uses of Class

Packages that use FragmentTransaction Support classes to assist with development of applications for android API level 4 or later. 

Uses of FragmentTransaction in

Methods in that return FragmentTransaction
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.add(Fragment fragment, String tag)
          Calls add(int, Fragment, String) with a 0 containerViewId.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.add(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment)
          Calls add(int, Fragment, String) with a null tag.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.add(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment, String tag)
          Add a fragment to the activity state.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.addToBackStack(String name)
          Add this transaction to the back stack.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.attach(Fragment fragment)
          Re-attach a fragment after it had previously been deatched from the UI with detach(Fragment).
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentManager.beginTransaction()
          Start a series of edit operations on the Fragments associated with this FragmentManager.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.detach(Fragment fragment)
          Detach the given fragment from the UI.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.disallowAddToBackStack()
          Disallow calls to addToBackStack(String).
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.hide(Fragment fragment)
          Hides an existing fragment.
 FragmentTransaction FragmentManager.openTransaction()
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.remove(Fragment fragment)
          Remove an existing fragment.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.replace(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment)
          Calls replace(int, Fragment, String) with a null tag.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.replace(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment, String tag)
          Replace an existing fragment that was added to a container.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.setBreadCrumbShortTitle(CharSequence text)
          Like setBreadCrumbShortTitle(int) but taking a raw string; this method is not recommended, as the string can not be changed later if the locale changes.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.setBreadCrumbShortTitle(int res)
          Set the short title to show as a bread crumb when this transaction is on the back stack.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.setBreadCrumbTitle(CharSequence text)
          Like setBreadCrumbTitle(int) but taking a raw string; this method is not recommended, as the string can not be changed later if the locale changes.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.setBreadCrumbTitle(int res)
          Set the full title to show as a bread crumb when this transaction is on the back stack.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.setCustomAnimations(int enter, int exit)
          Set specific animation resources to run for the fragments that are entering and exiting in this transaction.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.setCustomAnimations(int enter, int exit, int popEnter, int popExit)
          Set specific animation resources to run for the fragments that are entering and exiting in this transaction.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.setTransition(int transit)
          Select a standard transition animation for this transaction.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.setTransitionStyle(int styleRes)
          Set a custom style resource that will be used for resolving transit animations.
abstract  FragmentTransaction fragment)
          Shows a previously hidden fragment.

Methods in with parameters of type FragmentTransaction
 int transaction, String tag)
          Display the dialog, adding the fragment using an existing transaction and then committing the transaction.

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