Uses of Class

Packages that use Fragment Support classes to assist with development of applications for android API level 4 or later. 

Uses of Fragment in

Subclasses of Fragment in
 class DialogFragment
          Static library support version of the framework's DialogFragment.
 class ListFragment
          Static library support version of the framework's ListFragment.

Methods in that return Fragment
abstract  Fragment FragmentManager.findFragmentById(int id)
          Finds a fragment that was identified by the given id either when inflated from XML or as the container ID when added in a transaction.
abstract  Fragment FragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(String tag)
          Finds a fragment that was identified by the given tag either when inflated from XML or as supplied when added in a transaction.
abstract  Fragment FragmentManager.getFragment(android.os.Bundle bundle, String key)
          Retrieve the current Fragment instance for a reference previously placed with FragmentManager.putFragment(Bundle, String, Fragment).
abstract  Fragment FragmentPagerAdapter.getItem(int position)
          Return the Fragment associated with a specified position.
abstract  Fragment FragmentStatePagerAdapter.getItem(int position)
          Return the Fragment associated with a specified position.
 Fragment Fragment.getParentFragment()
          Returns the parent Fragment containing this Fragment.
 Fragment Fragment.getTargetFragment()
          Return the target fragment set by setTargetFragment(, int).
static Fragment Fragment.instantiate(android.content.Context context, String fname)
          Like instantiate(Context, String, Bundle) but with a null argument Bundle.
static Fragment Fragment.instantiate(android.content.Context context, String fname, android.os.Bundle args)
          Create a new instance of a Fragment with the given class name.

Methods in with parameters of type Fragment
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.add(Fragment fragment, String tag)
          Calls FragmentTransaction.add(int, Fragment, String) with a 0 containerViewId.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.add(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment)
          Calls FragmentTransaction.add(int, Fragment, String) with a null tag.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.add(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment, String tag)
          Add a fragment to the activity state.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.attach(Fragment fragment)
          Re-attach a fragment after it had previously been deatched from the UI with FragmentTransaction.detach(Fragment).
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.detach(Fragment fragment)
          Detach the given fragment from the UI.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.hide(Fragment fragment)
          Hides an existing fragment.
 void FragmentActivity.onAttachFragment(Fragment fragment)
          Called when a fragment is attached to the activity.
abstract  void FragmentManager.putFragment(android.os.Bundle bundle, String key, Fragment fragment)
          Put a reference to a fragment in a Bundle.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.remove(Fragment fragment)
          Remove an existing fragment.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.replace(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment)
          Calls FragmentTransaction.replace(int, Fragment, String) with a null tag.
abstract  FragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction.replace(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment, String tag)
          Replace an existing fragment that was added to a container.
abstract  Fragment.SavedState FragmentManager.saveFragmentInstanceState(Fragment f)
          Save the current instance state of the given Fragment.
 void Fragment.setTargetFragment(Fragment fragment, int requestCode)
          Optional target for this fragment.
abstract  FragmentTransaction fragment)
          Shows a previously hidden fragment.
 void FragmentActivity.startActivityFromFragment(Fragment fragment, android.content.Intent intent, int requestCode)
          Called by Fragment.startActivityForResult() to implement its behavior.

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