Uses of Class

Packages that use ShareCompat.IntentBuilder Support classes to assist with development of applications for android API level 4 or later. 

Uses of ShareCompat.IntentBuilder in

Methods in that return ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
 ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.addEmailBcc(String address)
          Add an email address to be used in the "bcc" field of the final Intent.
 ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.addEmailBcc(String[] addresses)
          Add an array of email addresses to be used in the "bcc" field of the final Intent.
 ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.addEmailCc(String address)
          Add an email address to be used in the "cc" field of the final Intent.
 ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.addEmailCc(String[] addresses)
          Add an array of email addresses to be used in the "cc" field of the final Intent.
 ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.addEmailTo(String address)
          Add an email address to be used in the "to" field of the final Intent.
 ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.addEmailTo(String[] addresses)
          Add an array of email addresses to be used in the "to" field of the final Intent.
 ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.addStream( streamUri)
          Add a stream URI to the data that should be shared.
static ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.from( launchingActivity)
          Create a new IntentBuilder for launching a sharing action from launchingActivity.
 ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.setChooserTitle(CharSequence title)
          Set the title that will be used for the activity chooser for this share.
 ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.setChooserTitle(int resId)
          Set the title that will be used for the activity chooser for this share.
 ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.setEmailBcc(String[] addresses)
          Set an array of email addresses to BCC on this share.
 ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.setEmailCc(String[] addresses)
          Set an array of email addresses to CC on this share.
 ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.setEmailTo(String[] addresses)
          Set an array of email addresses as recipients of this share.
 ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.setHtmlText(String htmlText)
          Set an HTML string to be sent as part of the share.
 ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.setStream( streamUri)
          Set a stream URI to the data that should be shared.
 ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.setSubject(String subject)
          Set a subject heading for this share; useful for sharing via email.
 ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.setText(CharSequence text)
          Set the literal text data to be sent as part of the share.
 ShareCompat.IntentBuilder ShareCompat.IntentBuilder.setType(String mimeType)
          Set the type of data being shared

Methods in with parameters of type ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
static void ShareCompat.configureMenuItem(android.view.Menu menu, int menuItemId, ShareCompat.IntentBuilder shareIntent)
          Configure a menu item to act as a sharing action.
static void ShareCompat.configureMenuItem(android.view.MenuItem item, ShareCompat.IntentBuilder shareIntent)
          Configure a MenuItem to act as a sharing action.

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